Chapter 1

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"MARIA!!" Maria Geste Stuart smiled broadly at the cute girl who called her name, even though she isn't used to being addressed by her first name. On the other hand, her name sounded lovely when said by the girl.

"Baby!" Geste exclaimed, hugging the lovely raven-haired girl tightly.

The raven-haired girl laughed.

"You're k-killing m-me," the raven-haired girl says, acting as if she was being choked.

Geste burst out laughing. "I'm sorry, baby; I just missed you," she says, pinching the raven-haired girl's cheeks.

"Ouch!" The raven-haired girl took a step back from her. "That hurts," she grumbled.

Geste smiled sweetly at her and said, "Cute."

"Nope. Gorgeous. I'm stunning." The raven hair corrected the redhead, one hand snaking around her waist. Geste hid her red hair behind her ear.

"Whoa? Is it just the wind, or are you just self-absorbed?" Geste teased, mimicking the other girl's action.

"Come on, let's go home," the raven hair chuckled at the redhead's reaction. "I'm sure Dad is dying to see you," the raven-haired girl said as she walked towards the airport exit, pausing to add, "And don't call me baby because I'm a big girl now, big hot sister." Then she walked away, leaving the redhead behind.

"Oh! No! You're still my baby because you're my baby sister, Sylvia Marie," Geste said to catch the raven-haired girl's attention. Sylvia Marie Stuart dislikes hearing her middle name, and she despises it. Geste has no idea why.

Sylvia came to a halt and glared at her older sister.

"Aww, come on, Marie, let's go home," Geste said as she took Sylvia's hand and led her to the car waiting for them outside.

Sylvia laughed at her older sister's immaturity. Sylvia's older sister had it all: beauty, fame, a job, almost everything, but one thing was missing. A girlfriend!

Geste is a lesbian. It wasn't a big deal for Sylvia. She still adores and accepts Geste for who she is.



IT HAS BEEN SEVEN YEARS SINCE I RETURNED TO THIS COUNTRY. I'll admit that I missed everything about this place.

There hasn't been much progress, but there's no place like home, as they always say.

I decided to return home to attend my father's wedding. He proposed to this woman two weeks ago, whom I had never met, but their relationship had lasted nearly a year. I'm not sure. I lost track.

All I know is that this "Zel" girl makes my father very happy, and I guess I'm okay with that. I never had the opportunity to meet his fiancee. My father and I will only discuss her over the phone, and I can tell by the tone of his voice that he is madly in love with her.

As for Sylvia, we rarely discuss this "Zel" girl, but Sylvia stated that the woman was sweet and kind. So, I guess I just had to see for myself and figure it out.

So, I'm just here to meet his fiancee and wish them luck in convincing me to stay here permanently because they keep bugging me to move back here. The concept does not appeal to me. I had a reason for leaving this country.

I exhaled a sigh. It was a long ride home. I'm not too fond of it when I overthink things.

"Are you okay?" Sylvia asked, staring at me. We were in the yellow hummer's backseat. My sister most likely noticed my deep sigh.

I smiled and nodded. Sylvia returned the smile.

"So, you're staying for good, right?" she asked, looking me in the eyes. I noticed hopeful looks in her light green eyes.

I thought to myself, "She's got her father's eyes."

"I'm not sure. Maybe? Maybe I can find something or someone interesting in here," I teased her.

Sylvia cocked one of her brows. When she doesn't like my response, she behaves in this manner. I wanted to laugh at her reaction, but she could never make me do what she wanted me to do. Nobody can compel me to stay.

Although I adore my sister and consider us close, she can be a jerk when not getting her way. Because we are wealthy, you could say she is spoiled.

Did I say we are "rich"? My father is a billionaire, not just a rich guy. That's why this lovely spoiled brat gets everything she desires. But that was just one aspect of her that others might mistake for a flaw; the truth is that she's kind and gentle.

You could say I'm close to them. My father and sister are aware of my sexual orientation and are unconcerned. They were open to my sexuality. That is why I truly adore them.

"Oh, yes," Sylvia said with a determined smirk. Someone has a plan, uh-oh.

"This better be interesting," I thought to myself as I smiled.

The brat is looking at me with a bratty smirk. We talked about random things, not realizing we had arrived at the mansion. The mansion appears to be more beautiful than ever.

While we pass through the electronic gate bars, the two guards on the gate bow their heads. We walk past the large fountain and the beautiful green lawn and flowers on our way to the mansion's entrance.

The two-story mansion features a striking and elegant black, brown, and white color scheme. It's also more extensive than I remember it being the last time I saw it.

At the very least, Dad is looking after it because it is the only memoir he has from his parents before they left him to go to heaven. And, of course, the fortune. Thank you very much, grandparents!

The seven maids, five guards, and two men whose identities I don't know formed a line in front of the head maid, Manang Linda. Manang Linda had been working at Stuart's since she was sixteen, and she was treated as a member of the family. Her husband died five years ago, and she has one grandchild, Margo, who is the same age as Sylvia. Manang is the best nanny I've ever had. She is considerate, loyal, and understanding. Manang Linda is now in her forties.

When the driver opened the car door, I smiled. "Thank you, Manong Jim," I said warmly. He is also one of our most dependable drivers. He's been with the family for thirty years and is now in his fifties.

"You are welcome, Señorita Geste, and welcome home," he said, smiling warmly.

I stepped out of the car and walked to the mansion's entrance, where I was greeted by the people I had seen earlier, including Manang Linda.

"Thank you, Manang; I've missed you," I hugged her.

"You're taller and more beautiful now, hija; are you sure you don't have someone special in your life now?" she said as she hugged me back.

"No, Manang. Not yet," I said as we entered the mansion.

"Oh, they're missing someone beautiful and a good catch here," Manang Linda exclaimed. I laughed heartily at her confidence in me, and I liked it.

"Eh? Excuse me, Manang? I thought I was your favorite here?" Sylvia jokes, pouting.

Manang Linda laughed. "You, jealous girl," she said, poking Sylvia on the cheek. We laugh at her childish demeanor.

"Well, where's Dad?" I ask when we're in the living room.

"Geste! Hija!" yelled a handsome man in his thirties at the bottom of the stairs. It was my young and handsome father, David Stuart.

"Dad!" I yelled, rushing up to him and hugging him. I missed this man so much.

Perhaps you're wondering why my father is too young to have me. Well, we will have plenty of time to discuss that.

"Let's go to the dining hall," Dad happily said.

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