Chapter 27

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THE CUSTOMERS were cheering loudly for the two hot sisters in front of the stage. Yuan's resto was like an ordinary resto-bar ever since the sister got to the stage. Their presence put chaos in the cozy place. Even David was screaming. His professionalism jumped out the window while shouting, "That's my babies! Woohoo! That's my daughters y'all."

I smiled at his demeanor. He is proud of his daughters. Of course, he should be. If merely the presence of the two makes the customers chaotic, how much more when they will hear them sing. I bet all the boys will drool for them. I'm not exaggerating here. I'm stating a fact.

The two were used to the attention the customers were giving them. They're inborn stars.

In her pretty look, Sylvia is wearing a sleeveless loose tank top and short shorts, revealing her toned white legs. Her footwear was a high-cut purple Vans. She's already gorgeous as her sister at the age of sixteen.

While Geste was wearing a yellow sundress with a pair of doll shoes as her footwear. Her long red hair was down in big perfect curls. She's so smokin' hot.

I didn't notice that I was biting my lower lip too hard while checking her out. Then the kiss at my office flashes back in my mind. I felt hot at the moment.

Omg! She's making me crazy. Grr!

I was back from my thoughts when Geste finally spoke. She's holding an acoustic guitar. Sylvia was sitting on the beatbox.

"Ahem. Is this working? Yes, it is," she said, testing the mic and smiling. Some of the boys whistle. Some of the girls giggled, including me. I'm sorry, I can't help it. I'm one of her big fans back then.

"Okay. So Mrs. Manager wants us to sing for all of you sweethearts. I'm Geste, by the way, this is, oh probably some of you know her, Sylvia. She's the drummer of seven goddesses. Uh-huh. Wave Syl." Sylvia obliged and smiled. Some of the teenage boys shouted, "Idol" to her. Wow! Sylvia's going too far, good far, in her career.

"Hey, Dad. We will just jam a bit," she said, looking in our direction and winking. David just thumbs up. I was taken aback. Am I just imagining that she winks at me? No, I'm not.

"Alright. My sister requested this song, so here we go..." Then Geste strums the guitar with a single stroke down, a queue that they will start singing. The crowd became silent.

One, two, three, four

Ooh, ooh

Every time you come around, you know I can't say no

Every time the sun goes down, I let you take control

I can feel the paradise before my world implodes

And tonight had something wonderful

They're singing Bad Habits by Ed Sheeran with just an acoustic guitar and beatbox. Geste in the first voice, Sylvia in the second voice. The crowd clapped at the intro. Wow! Geste's voice is more beautiful than before. I felt the hairs on my arm rising.

"Wooh! That's my baby, man! That's my kids!" David shouted. The crowd chuckled at him.

Geste sang the first verse. Sylvia's gloriously tapping her instrument.

When Sylvia was singing, she looked at Gwen, but the latter was busy flirting with his boy. The two didn't notice the green eyes piercing look. My gaydar is active.

Huh! Bad habits. I didn't know that the song affected me as much as I expected. Though Geste's not looking at me while singing, I felt her heart singing this for me.

The crowd became silent after the sister ended their song. We were just still absorbing the sisters' soothing voices. Meanwhile, David threw his hand on my shoulder and rested there. I'm not mistaken when Geste's eyes squinting over us and avert immediately to no one in particular in the crowd. David didn't notice.

The sisters sang the song, just exchanging verses till it finished. Geste never looked in our direction after that glare.

The customers were clapping loudly. Some are standing while clapping. David stood up and clapped while I was just clapping on my seat. The two could be a hot duo.

"One more!" someone shouted at our back.

"One more!" others requested also.

The two sisters that came off stage just stood there, not knowing what to do. Then Cheena came to Geste's side and whispered something. Geste let out a puff and grabbed Sylvia back at the stage. Sylvia's brows are scrunching, but she never said a thing to her older sis. She just gets back to the beatbox while Geste is on the guitar.

The crowd made a "whoosh," "yes," and more whistles when they returned to the stage. Some are visibly taking photos and videos of the two from their phones. Wow! Instant superstar. I can't help but smile. David was so glad that he kissed me on the cheeks that I never expected that he would do. I looked in Geste's direction as if I had done something wrong, but luckily she did not see it. And what's wrong if she sees that my fiance is kissing me? Nothing. Nothing!

"Just for you people. But one last song, okay?" Geste said in her signature smile. Why do I always know her? Pfft! I should stop this thinking.

The customers went into silent mode. Then a three-tap from Sylvia's beatbox, Geste started to sing one of her favorite songs for me. I think I'm gonna cry at the moment.

When I was younger, I saw my daddy cry

And curse at the wind

He broke his own heart, and I watched

As he tried to reassemble it

And my momma swore

That she would never let herself forget

And that was the day that I promised

I'd never sing of love if it did not exist

Oh, God. I feel the memories crashing into my mind. On our beautiful days on the rooftop, she brought the guitar I bought for her. She composes songs of love, only for me. Just for me.

But darling, you are the only exception

You are the only exception...

How dare she? Why do I need to suffer again from the past? She left me. She has no right to do this to me.

Maybe I know, somewhere deep in my


That love never lasts

And we've got to find other ways to make

it alone

Or keep a straight face

I felt a tear falling from my eye. Luckily, David was awestruck as everyone in the room. Geste sang the song of Paramore like the original one singing it.

I've got a tight grip on reality

But I can't let go of what's in front of me here

I know you're leaving in the morning

when you wake up

Leaving me with some kind of proof; it's not a dream, oh.

That was it. I can't take it anymore.

"Excuse me. I'll just use the CR," I said to David without waiting for his reply. My tears run down my face as I walk in the direction of the comfort room.

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