Chapter 21

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THE MOON was magnificent tonight. I held my left hand up high as If I was reaching it. I was like that for a moment, and when I got tired, I put my hand down. I sigh heavily and sip the wine from my right hand. I'm not getting myself drunk; it's just a kind of my release on what happened a while ago.

I was on the balcony of my condominium In Greenhills. After the Incident in the mall, I went straight here and locked myself up. No, I don't have plans on jumping to this fifty-floored building. I am not that crazy and desperate.

It's been almost five days, and I haven't gone to Stuart's again. David always called me and invited me to dinner in their mansion, but I managed to escape and throw alibis he quickly bought.

I'm not cheating on David. We still see each other, but I just never went to his mansion for days because Geste was there, and I couldn't go there and see her if my feelings were as strong as before. I can't betray David's love. I love him.

But Geste? I don't know at all. I was staring blankly at the streets. Lights illuminate all over the city. It was a beautiful night, but the view was more beautiful on the hill. I miss that hill, but my parents have to sell it because we had some financial difficulties at CC four years ago. So, by saving CC, my parents had to sell the hill's lot.

I didn't know who bought it. I haven't been there for seven years, and I'm kind of missing the place. With that, I grabbed my red hoodie jacket and went to the hill.

I quickly got to the hill. There was no guard, but I saw a huge house built in the area where Kaye and I used to sit. I park my Audi in front of the gate. I was awestruck in the house. It was a beautiful and somewhat comfortable feeling from it.

As I walk towards the gate, I remember her voice saying this to me, "I want the rest of my life to be spent with you, Gretzel. If we live together forever, I want our house to be decorated with black, brown, and white colors. Our gates will be Japanese-like, and the exterior will be Spanish-like. There will be a front porch and at least six bedrooms, and of course, my cooking area will be there and the music room." A younger Kaye dreamily said to the blue-eyed girl beside her. They were on the hill, having a picnic and snuggling with each other.

The blue eyes giggled at the brown eyes. "That's so sweet, babe," she said, kissing the forehead of the brunette. "How do you like to build OUR house on this site?" wiggling her eyebrows, she saw the brunette grinning widely at her suggestion.

"That would be perfect!" she squealed. "Then we will put a pool where we could see the beautiful city. We should not cut the tree, babe, because the engraved names should be preserved so that we can show them to our children. How many children would you like, baby? I guess I settled for two. I prefer twins! Oh, I love twins! Do you have twins in your family line? We should have twins, babe. A boy and a girl. Oh, I'm so excited!" she said with pure joy.

I just stared at her the whole time and pictured what she said in my mind. I smiled. The tears of joy wanted to get out in my eyes, knowing she would like to have a family with me. I love her so much.

"Baby? Are you okay?" she asked when she noticed I was silent. Her facial expression softens, and her eyes change into a worried stare. "Oh, I'm sorry if I said that. I didn't mean to decide without your approval. How stupid I am to assume things!" she said, dropping her head. She misinterpreted my silence. I hold her chin to face my overwhelmed face. Her beautiful brown eyes stared at me with a distraught look.

"Baby, you're not assuming. I was so overwhelmed that you wanted to build a family with me. And guess what, I want that also. I dream of that, too. Promise me that you will marry me someday, my love. I want no one else to grow old with than you." She smiled and leaned on my face.

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