Chapter 8

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Flashback continues...

THE DAYS at school get even better because Gretzel and I have the same classes together! I keep on reciting to myself that I'm not gay and I just only admire her.

My 'admiration' got more profound when I learned that she's the President of the student council and the team captain of the volleyball team. I don't know how she managed her time with this, but she's doing great.

Wow! And I saw how the students adored her. They respect her as their leader; I mean, they love her. Even Mike agreed that she is a great and friendly person. Her boyfriend is so lucky to have her. I sigh heavily, remembering her boyfriend.

But I'm still happy that she's treating me as a friend. And as the days passed, I found out that she's a very touchy person. I don't mind because I'm used to it. After all, Abel and Cheena are also touchy, but the difference with her is that I feel something different inside me every time she's near, or we have some physical contact. Yes, more than just a friend feeling. I shouldn't be feeling like that.

I'm excited and nervous about the dinner this Friday with her family. I don't know if her father is as kind as them. I only saw Governor Salazar on screen, and I say he does have a good reputation in his career. Leadership skill is really in their blood.

It was Thursday and lunch. I am in our usual seat in the cafeteria with my BFFs. I never got the chance to introduce Gretzel to them, which I didn't know why either, maybe because I didn't have the chance. Or maybe they knew her already because of her status, but they didn't meet her personally.

"Best, Inay Melinda is the best cook ever. This beef caldereta is heavenly," Abel said with his mouth full of food.

"Eww, Abelardo! Where are your manners?" I know Cheena will react. She hates when Abel does that. Are they going to fight again?

Meanwhile, a staring and smile contest between Gretzel and me is happening again. I'm getting used to it. I mentally giggled.

"Help, best! The cheetah is trying to kill me." I was distracted by Abel and Cheena's fighting. Yes, that's Cheena's pet name; Abel is the monster, and mine was tigress because you don't want to mess with me when I'm angry. They both know that I have a lot of patience inside of me, but my temper is on another level.

He pushes himself to mine, acting as if I'm his mother that could protect him from the cheetah. I giggled at their childish demeanor. I grab Abel closer; he's too big to be my child. I laugh.

"You, stupid monster," Cheena said, not angry. She's smiling now while looking at us. She's smiling, looking at Abel's big body pressing against mine. It's a funny sight, trust me.

"You know what, if the two of you end up together, I'll reveal all your deepest secrets and embarrassing moments on your wedding day," I was joking with them. But yeah, why not? They look good together. I ship them.

"No way!" Abel exclaimed.

"Yuck!" Cheena said jokingly, acting as if puking.

These two.

"I'd rather be with the tigress than with the cheetah. Cheena is dangerous," Abel said, pouting while leaning his head in the crooked neck of my neck. If someone is watching us right now, they would assume that we are more than friends, but for us? It's just normal. We're like brothers and sisters.

"Aww," I said while playfully rummaging his hair.

"Ouch!" Cheena said, jokingly putting her hand to her chest. Then we laughed, forgetting that we were in the public cafeteria. Abelin.

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