Chapter 25

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"SYLVIA? Baby? Where are you?" I called her while going down to the mansion's living room. I heard shouts from there. Is someone fighting over there? I was worried for my sister because I heard her scream even when I was in my room.

It was Sunday and my day, so I planned to sleep till noon. I was so tired from our clubbing last night with Diego. I didn't go home with him last night at my house because he pleaded to bring his gigolo for the night to my own effin' house. I couldn't protest because he used the you-owe-me thing.

That's why I'm in the mansion and sleeping till I want to wake up. Who cares? I can do whatever I want. I also need rest from the things I've been through last week. Yeah, another week had passed when I almost raped the willing victim, Marie, in her office.

Of course, she's a willing victim. She wanted me more than I did. I promised her to give her space, and I'm keeping that promise until now. I missed her, but this is one of my tactics to make her miss me as well. I don't know if it will work, but I'll try to figure it out later.

I was at the end of the stairs when I heard people shouting again from going to the living room.

I saw Rita going out of the kitchen with a tray in her hand, walking towards the living room, and passing.

"Good noon, Señorita," she greeted me. "Are you hungry? I'll prepare food for you after I give this to Señorita Sylvia. Is that okay, Señorita?" she said with a friendly smile.

"Maybe later, Anita." I smiled back. "Uh, where is she anyway?" I ask, glancing at what's on the tray.

"She's in the living room watching Manny Pacquiao's match versus Chris Algeiri," she answered. My eyes were wide as I heard the People's Champ name.

"Was the game today? Err, damn. I didn't know it was today. Is that what the noise is all about? Oh gosh, I can't miss this. I never miss watching any of his matches," I said in a hurry.

She just stared, amazed at my reaction. I'm not a fan of boxing, but I'm a Filipino, and so is Pacman, so I need to support him even if he can't hear me screaming my lungs out cheering his name. He deserves it, though; he is a real champ anyway.

"Let's go." I walk hurriedly to the living room. I forgot that I have a TV in my room.

I was in the living room instantly and saw the cheering guards and maids with Sylvia. They were all like one big happy family. They fell silent when they noticed I was standing there, leaving Sylvia screaming and cheering.

Sylvia noticed that her companions were not cheering; she looked at them and saw that the guards and maids were staring uneasily at her. So that is why I thought there was chaos over here. They were all here cheering for the People's Champ.

"Maria! Come here. Sit. Let's cheer for Pacquiao!" she said, dragging me to the couch. The guards and maids silently skip one by one from the living room. "Hey, where are you going?" Sylvia asks when she sees that some of them are heading out. I know why. They're scared of me.

"Hey, guys. Please let's watch and cheer together for our Champ. Please treat me as a friend or as you treat Sylvia here," I said, looking and smiling at them. The uncertainty smiled but went back to the living room.

"What round is it?" I ask Sylvia excitedly. Making myself comfortable on the couch.

"Six," she said shortly, never averting her eyes on the TV, then she scoops at the sorbet Rita brought to her.

I grabbed the sorbet from her hand and tasted it.

"Hey, that's mine!" Sylvia said, grabbing the sorbet back.

"This is so sweet, Aly. I thought you would never eat sweets because you treasure your voice so much?" I ask. She just shrugged, and a sad expression was pooling her green orbs.

There's something wrong with my baby sis. I was about to ask again when she screamed, making my ears numb to her squealing.

"Yeah! That's right. Knock him out, Manny! Talunin mo! Patumbahin mo! Ganyan nga! Woohhhh!!!" Sylvia squealed, now jumping. The guards, maids, and I are also cheering in joy. We were so engrossed in the game that I forgot what I was about to ask Sylvia.

We watch the game till it ends. And by a unanimous decision, the People's Champ won.

Rejoice in the Philippines! Congratulations, Pacquiao! We are so proud of you!



I AM at my office, killing myself with so much work with piles of paper scattering on my table. I heard a loud voice cheering from the outside of my office. I didn't budge. There's nothing to worry about.

That was just the staff and customers cheering for Manny Pacquiao. I smiled as I heard them screaming.

Filipinos are united every time Manny has a match. You can barely see vehicles and people crossing the streets and highways. That's how all Filipinos adore our people's Champ.

But why didn't I watch? Of course, I am watching, I have my laptop on the live stream. Do you think I'll miss that? I was just cheering silently because I was too occupied with work.

My phone rang after they announced Pacquiao as the winner. I was in my happy mode when I answered the caller.

"Hello?" I hum. I didn't bother to look at the caller id.

"Hi, love. I miss you so much," David said. I was silent for a moment. Who was I expecting to call me? Stupid me. "My love?" he said when I didn't answer.

"David!" I said when I found my voice. "Gosh, I miss you too, sweetheart." I tried to be cheery.

"You okay, love?" he asked.

"O-of course. You called again. Are you going home?"

"Uh-huh. Someone's excited to see me," David said. I let out a fake chuckle.

Am I excited to see him? Of course, I should be. I haven't seen him for two weeks. What am I thinking?

"Of course, sweetheart. So you want me to pick you up? What time, sweetie?" I ask, fidgeting my fingers. I hope Geste hasn't told her father anything that happened to the two of us.

How is she anyway? I don't care about her! I haven't seen her for a week also. Do you miss her? No! Do I?

"Zel, hello? Love?" I zone out, thinking about Geste; I forgot that David was on the other line.

"Sorry, hun. What did you say?" Hopefully, he didn't notice my lack of attention to him.

Damn that woman. She's always occupying my mind. I hate her!

"I said no need to pick me up because the children will do it. Just meet us at Yuan's by six pm. Is that okay, love?" he said suspiciously. Oh-uh! Stop thinking about her!

"Okay, sweetheart. See you then."

"Are you sure you're okay, love? You're still working, aren't you?" I heard him sigh on the line.

"I-I'm fine. Yeah, still working but just checking the sales for today. Nothing big or heavy loads, though," I said in an uncertain tone. I hope David buys it.

"Okay," he said. I fist bump in the air silently. "I'll see you tonight, love. I have a gift for you. I missed you so much. I need to pack now. I'm hanging up. Bye, I love you," he said. He still didn't hang up. I know he is waiting for my reply.

"I missed you too, sweet. I love you too. Bye." I answered. I mentally applauded myself for saying that without choking. Why should I? As if I'm not saying that to him for almost two years now.

"Bye," he said happily and hung up.

Whew! That was close.

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