Chapter 30

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I WAS looking for my keys in my purse while I was walking on the way out when I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Sorry, Miss," I heard the girl say that I bumped into. I look at her and easily recognize her. "I'm sorry," she apologetically said. Damn, the witch turned into a beautiful lady. What did she do to her face and body?

"Nika?" I asked, but the girl scrunched her eyebrows and looked at me confusingly.

"Excuse me, gorgeous, but how come you know me?" she asks, looking straight into my eyes and features.

"It's me, Ren. Can't you remember an old acquaintance?" I replied with a wide smile. She didn't recognize me.

Then she must have remembered me because she was wide-eyed looking at me now and said, "Kaye? Is that you? Heck, you're taller than me now," after she said that, she looked at me up and down.

I giggled at her reaction. She looked at me with an unusual gaze. Oops, gay alert. Is she? I bet she is. She's visibly checking me out.

"Nice seeing you here," I said, getting her attention. She was now looking at my boobies. Uhuh, totally lesbian. I didn't know we played on the same team before. But we are not even friends so I didn't know anything about her. She was my nemesis, remember?

"You too," she said, now looking at my face. "Did you have a lunch date here?"

"No and yes. No, because it's not a "date" date, and yeah, because it was a lunch date with my best friends, Abel and Cheena," I answered.

"Best friend? Mr. and Mrs. Owner? Wow, small world," she said and smiled, revealing her pearly white teeth. "I'm the Chief chocolatier and cook here." If she didn't say that, I wouldn't notice her chef uniform.

"Really? Wow, a small world," I said, smiling and nodding. "Well, I guess I will see you often if I come back here, eh?"

"Yeah. You have no choice because I work here," Nika said, laughing lightly.

"Yeah. So it was nice to see you. Got to go," I said, giving Nika a wave and then walking away from her.

"Kaye!" she called. I look back at her.

"Yeah?" she didn't know I had changed my name.

"Can I have your number? You know, just catching up. For old time's sake," she said with a sly smile. Weh? Old times sake, eh?

"Of course. Hand me your phone," I stated, and Nika handed me her iPhone, and I tapped my number there.

"Thanks. I'll ring you now so that you'll know my number," Nika said when I handed her her phone.

I nodded and waved goodbye to her. She mimics me with a broad smile on her face. Whoa? Is she pleased to see me? As far as I remember, she's the one who told Mrs. Salazar about Marie and me. And she dislikes me very much.

But this moment was not my time to think, so I shrugged the thought and drove to the mansion. My thoughts were now with Sylvia. What's her problem?

I drove as fast as possible to the mansion and saw Manang Linda welcoming me.

"Your Dad can't wait for you, Ges, because he has a business trip in Davao, and his flight is in an hour."

"Yes, Nang, I know that already," I said, getting her right hand and putting her backhand on my forehead as I bowed to reach it. In Filipinos, it was a sign of respect for the older people. Others do the kissing on the cheek or the one I did called "pagmamano."

"Where's Sylvia?" I ask while looking around. I saw Rita passing by, and I smiled at her as she smiled also and bowed in respect, then she went to the kitchen.

"She's in the garden. You must talk to her because she's acting strange lately," Manang said with a worried look.

"Yes, nang. That's why I'm here. Excuse me." I walked past her and went to the garden.


I WENT to the garden and saw Sylvia there on her back with a black acoustic guitar in her hand. Hmm, something is going on. I know Sylvia's not singing alone and being melancholic if she's in good condition. But she was emotional right now; I could sense it.

I walk towards her but with light steps. She was busy strumming the guitar and oblivious to her surroundings. I stopped five steps behind her when I heard her start singing.

Well, you only need the light when it's burning low

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow

Only know you love her when you let her go

Sylvia was a good singer, and her guitar skills improved a lot. I remember teaching her before, and now I can say she's pretty good at my assessment. But wait... What is she singing?

I know it was Passenger's Let her go, but why is she singing this?

But you only need the light when it's burning low

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow

Only know you love her when you let her go

Only know you've been high when you're feeling low

Only hate the road when you're missin' home

Only know you love her when you let her go

And it's effin' Let HER go. Why her? I can feel her sadness through the song she's singing.

I let her finish the song before I went to her side. She was surprised when I sat beside her.

"Hey," I greeted, looking at her.

"Hey," she greeted me with a slight smile. She looks horrible! Her eyes were puffy and red. Looks like she went from crying.

"That was a nice song, and you sang it nicely," I said and smiled, still looking at her.

"Thanks," she said and looked down at the guitar and played the strings.

"That's mine, right," I said, pointing at the guitar.

"Yeah," she said, not looking at me. "Did you mind if I borrowed it?" She sadly looked at me. Aww, poor baby, what's her problem?

"No. Not at all," I answered, reassuring my sister. "So, uh, Dad was worried." I started. She stared at me.

"To whom?" she asks.

"To you," I replied, looking straight into her eyes.

She didn't take my gaze long, and she averted her eyes, looking at the beautiful yellow roses on our front. I saw her taking a deep sigh before she asked me a question. I was astounded and did not believe I would hear it from here.

"Maria?" she asks, still looking at the yellow roses. "How did you know you were gay?"

What? Whoa! Is she?

"Well, I-i uh..." why can't I answer her question straight? "Well, you just knew. If you look at another woman or girl with lust, you are gay. But wait... Why? Are you gay?" I ask, not believing my ears are hearing from my sister, who happens to tell me she's straight.

She sighs heavily before she answers. "I am. And I'm in love with a girl," she sadly said.


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