Chapter 13

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Flashback continues...

IT IS SATURDAY, and I am nervously excited about our dinner date. I don't know where Gretzel will take me, but that won't be a surprise anymore if I ask.

But I have to work first before seeing her, which is why I'm here at CC. The work and Nika averted my thoughts towards the dinner for a while. Yes, Nika! She's threatening me again, and I'm so afraid of what she's saying right now.

"I know what you're doing, Kaye. You're using your flirty self to get more of the position, huh." I froze. I can't continue putting the final touches on the ordered salad.

"Kaye, Kaye, Kaye. So that you know that I got my eyes on you. Don't make me catch you." she said, pointing two fingers in her eyes than to me. Then she went out.

"Bitch!" I yelped.

Ugh! Does she know about Gretzel and me? No one should know. I'll tell Gretzel later that we should be more careful. At that thought, I was bothered my whole shift hours but still managed to be sane in making the best orders only from my talented hands.

Dinner night came, but I hadn't had the time to prepare to wear a proper dress. I took a shower in the employee's room which I always do before I leave. Gretzel fetched me at the other street of CC then we went to where she was taking me.

"Ah, babe? I think I'm not fit for where you're taking me?" I compared my outfit to hers. As usual, she is the "Jo" with natural and graceful beauty. She was wearing a black silk sleeveless button semi-loose top, skinny black jeans, and boots while I was on my fitted white v-neck T-shirt, skinny jeans, and sneakers. But at least I had applied a little makeup a while ago.

"You look great, baby. Don't worry, and I'll change to my sneakers later." She barely looked at me as she drove again.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked when I noticed the drive was taking too long.

"Surprise." she answered, smiling with her 'only Gretzel smile.' Aww, I want to kiss her. I haven't kissed her yet, ever since I hopped into her car.

"I think you forgot to kiss me today." I reminded her with the tone of a child not getting her favorite candy.

"Later, babe. I'll give you more than that." I blushed. Just thinking about that, sent more electrifying feelings all over me. I felt hot from that moment, so I stayed silent until we arrived.

I noticed the familiar track we were going on, and my prediction was correct. We are heading to the hill. She parked a little bit far from the hill, and she blindfolded me with her handkerchief. I just obeyed because I didn't want to ruin her surprise, and I'm excited, though, so this should be good.

When she untied my blindfold, I gasped at what I saw. There's a table for two on the hill, elegantly and beautifully designed. Lanterns are on the grass, and an electric lantern illuminates the table. I can't describe it all, but it was a beautiful and sweet sight from the gorgeous and hottest girlfriend ever.

"You made this? It is so beautiful!" I said, amazed. She put in a lot of effort here. Then I noticed a tent built not far from the tree. It was a big tent. I think it's like a mini house, and it was built well.

"No. I did need the help of a few people. Now, shall we, my love?" extending her hand to mine I instantly grab.

"We shall." I smiled and went to the table.

Then as we were seated in our seats, Gretzel called someone. "Come on guys, my baby is hungry," she said, then chuckled. That's when I saw my two best friends coming with covered foods in their hands. They wore a cute red couple shirt with 'my property' printed on it and the arrows pointing to each other's side.

"We are your attendees for the night, mademoiselle." Cheena grinned. I giggled. Such great friends!

"Here's your food. If you need anything, don't hesitate to shout our names, and we'll come as fast as the wind." Abel added, winking at me.

"Hey! No winking. She's mine!" Gretzel jokingly said.

"I know. Don't worry; Kaye is super gay for you." Then he wraps his arm around Cheena, who's blushing tomato red. I never thought Abel had this significant effect on Cheena. Just a simple touch, and she's blushing. Aww, cute!

"Enjoy, guys," Cheena said, still blushing, then they exited.

The food and everything about the dinner were perfect. I'm nervous because I know what will happen tonight. But I love Gretzel, and she's the only person I think I could throw myself at easily without any second thoughts.

"Penny, for your thoughts?" she asked. I didn't know I was zoned out for a while.

I smiled and then reached for her hand. "I love you so much, Gretzel. When everyone learns about us, I will fight for you; that's one thing I'm sure of. I will never give up on you, Gretzel. But if one day you'll find the person perfectly fit for you, then I have no choice but to let go. I will do that, only for your happiness, Gretzel." I squeeze her hand gently and kiss the back of it. I felt her stiffness then I looked at her. Tears are pooling on her beautiful face.

"Did I say something wrong?" I said with a worried face. I immediately walk toward her and cup her face to wipe her tears.

"You're perfect for me, Kaye. I don't think I could love anyone as much as I love you. I know it's early, but I know my feelings are for real. And if someday my parents will know about us, I'll fight for you because I love you so much." she said. And now I'm the one who's crying.

Then she pulled me and kissed me softly on my lips. It sent millions of flying butterflies on my stomach and the electricity bolting in every cell. I kissed her back, but I wanted more. I know I am the virgin here, but I can't keep my hands off my beautiful girlfriend. She's my Venus, remember.

"Let's go to the tent," she said in a sexy whisper that I immediately obeyed. Ahh, I want to hear that sexy tone later.

The tent was huge. I told you it was like a small house. It has a bed, a table with a lamp illuminating the room, and a little fridge. How come there's a fridge here? Nah, it doesn't matter anymore.

Gretzel pulled me closer to her without any hesitation, and we kissed hungrily. We just kissed, and I didn't notice I was on the edge of the bed. I felt my knees weaken, and in time we landed on the bed, with her on my top. I know how this making love goes, but I let Gretzel do her thing now and mine later. She sucked my tongue, and I couldn't help but let out a loud moan. I feel the throbbing between my legs. She started to grind on me while her hands gently caressed my flat stomach. I'm super turned on!

She trailed kisses to my jawline then to my earlobes. I felt the hairs on my arms stand. She went on playing my soft spot as I let out a moan of wanting more from her. Then she stopped. I was about to protest when she said in her husky girly voice, "You ready, my love?" I just nodded, holding my breath.

The next thing I knew, I was naked. How did Gretzel do that? But I don't mind because a Goddess is also nakedly glorious on my top right now. She is kissing and loving me as much as I do.

Flashback ends...

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