Chapter 29

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I CAN'T believe she's now right beside me. Snuggling her sweet chocolate scent that I just can't get enough of. Her naked and glorious body pressed to mine. I love everything we did last night.

It was my first time doing it because Marie told me that she had never been laid after I left her seven years ago. Can you believe that? Even Dad hasn't touched her, and I'm so happy for what I have known. Of course, I believe her. I proved it last night.

I caress her cheek and tuck in her ear, the strands falling on her face. She sleeps like an angel. Her breathing was slow and peaceful. I can't believe she's mine again. All mine. I peck her lips lightly enough not to wake her up. But she is a light sleeper; she wakes up smiling at me.

"Good morning, baby," she said, looking at me. I felt my heart jump when she called me baby.

I swallowed. I cannot believe that Marie was calling me again, what she used to call me before, but last night was not an exception. She called me "baby" many times last night, no she didn't only call, but she screamed it. I giggled at the thought.

"What's funny? Do I have something on my face?" she said, feeling her face.

"Nothing, babe. You're perfect," I said and cupped her beautiful face.

I stare into her eyes and memorize every inch of her face.

"I love you, Marie," I said to her not to break my gaze at her lovely face. I'm not expecting that she will say it back this time because even if she doesn't, I can feel that she still loves me.

"I love you too, Kaye," she said.

Marie loves me too! She said it! Yes, she said it!

I was widely grinning before I gave her a long passionate kiss that led again to another hot-making love session. Ahh, I can live like this forever!


"SO, MARIE, and you are together again?" Cheena asks me while giving me a guilty look.

"Come on, Cheena. She was mine first. I'm sure Dad will understand that," I said, sipping my wine. We are at Yuan's and having lunch again. She's been bugging me because of my absence from our BFF's bonding moment every Friday.

It's been two weeks since Marie and I have been finally back with each other but still hiding it from Dad and Sylvia because Marie asked me that she will be the one telling Dad about us.

When I asked her if she had told Dad, Marie just replied that she was finding perfect timing because she didn't want to hurt Dad 'cause he is a good man. Me neither, but I need to claim my own, and Marie was one of them.

Now that I learned that she still loves me, I will not let her go again. And Abel and Cheena know about this, but they're not approving of us getting back together.

"Whatever Kaye, I meant, Ges. You see, I'm still not convinced about this because you and Marie are coward bitches. You are hurting too many people, especially your Dad. Why are you still not telling him? If Inay is here, she will agree with me," she said, making a face.

I sigh. "How many times do I have to tell you that we were just finding the right moment? Come on, don't let Inay be in this conversation. She's now resting up there. This problem is mine, and I will settle this on my own. You know me, Cheena, I'm not also happy about hurting other people's hearts, and Dad is not just an ordinary person to me; he is my Dad. I just don't want to do great damage to his heart. I saw how he truly loves my girl, and telling him in a non-peasant way would hurt him. I just can't do that to him."

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