Chapter 24

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FOR THE past week, I thank God for the strength He gave me, which I was still alive from that haunting and sweet kiss. It kills me simultaneously; it excites me because that's precisely what I would like to do to her ever since I had seen her again.

Maybe you wonder how the kiss stops. Well, my phone rang, and when I realized what I was doing, I ran away from Geste before she could hold me back again with her sweet lips.

It's been a week since that day, and I'm trying so hard to ignore her. Not that she's been bugging me, but just for safety, I just ignore her and these stupid feelings burning up again. It's wrong! I'm her father's fiancé! For Christ's sake!

I was going to have lunch with my parents. They said they wanted to talk to me about CC, so I immediately drove into the mansion.

"Hola, mama," I greeted and kissed her on the cheek. We are at the dining table. As usual, it is jam-packed with food. I shook my head. Seriously, it's just the three of us, but they cook so much food.

"Hola, Hija." Then I went to Dad to greet and kiss him, but he just smiled because he was busy talking with someone over his phone.

I sit on the chair across from mom. I started to eat, and Dad's voice consumed the room.

"Yes. Thank you so much. Tell your client that this will be a big help. Thank you. You'll never regret this; I mean, you're a client Attorney. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. Bye." He took out his phone with a broad smile on his face. Mom and I were just staring at him. Waiting to tell us what is the reason why he is so happy.

"We found the person who will help us. This client of Atty. Zamora is a big time. He can help us regain CC's finances," he chirped.

Yes, CC's having its worst state. The finances are depleting; that's why I work so hard to gain back the sales for the sake of my family's name and our loyal workers who have been working there for many years. I smiled but was also nervous about the good news. I don't know why but I have a bad feeling about it.

"Are you sure that this person could be trusted, Julio?" my mother asks in an uncertain tone. My father grabs my mom's hand and gently squeezes it.

"Of course, mi Amor. I knew Atty. Zamora. He is a good and honest person. I met him once in New York in a business meeting, and in that place, you can say people adore this guy. And I believe that his client is also reliable. Trust me on this, mi Amor. Okay?" he said lovingly to my mom. Mom nodded in agreement.

"I trust you too, Pa," I said, smiling at him. He smiled back.

A long silence filled the room. Dad breaks it by asking me.

"So how are you, chica? I hardly see you. You're working too much, Marie. I haven't gotten to see David too. Are you still together?" Julio then ate a piece of green leaf Chinese cabbage.

"Pa, I'm fine. David and I are fine. I'm just busy with CC and David at Confection. He is out of the country for two weeks; he is in Guam for a business meeting," I said in a monotone way. Oops! I didn't mean to do that.

I saw Mom scrunching her nose. "Are you sure you're fine, chica? You know you can talk to us about anything." Uh-oh, mother instinct is working.

I mustered a cheery expression as much as I could before answering them. "I'm fine, Pa, Ma. Just tired from work."

They were silent for a moment.

"I'm sorry, chica if you have to suffer like this. If only I could help you as before, this cancer is making me weak and sick all the time," Dad sympathetically said to me. My Dad has brain cancer, which he discovered a year ago.

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