Chapter 7

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Flashback starts...

"KIDS, dinner's ready!" Inay called from the dining area.

We rushed to the dining room. Yes. WE. Who else is with me? No other than my two BFFs. They are having dinner with us.

We are here at our new house. Yep, new house. I rented a new house owned by Cheena's aunt. It's bigger and more presentable. Her aunt abandoned the house because she married a Korean, so her husband wanted her to move with him. That's why she left the house vacant.

Cheena has their house nearby, and Abel rents an apartment nearby. But actually, they're crashing here every day. Cheena's aunt didn't give too much trouble with the rent because she knows Inay and me.

And I can say I can afford to pay for it now because Caramel City (CC) is paying me big time. It's a dream come true. Little by little, Inay and I's dreams are coming true. I smiled in anticipation, realizing it.

By the way, we finished our junior year at our old school, and we are preparing for our senior year. Yeah, we again. Abel and Cheena will finish their senior year at UP as well.

They are very supportive friends, and because they can afford it, they can easily switch schools though they have sacrificed a lot of things from our old school. Abel's basketball team and Cheena's Squad. But they said they could also do it in UP. Even if they are not the captains, they could join the team.

Aww, I love my friends. What am I going to do without them? I think I'm going to cry because of their sincerity.

"Chop Suey! Yum!" we said in unison.

Inay laughed at the way we reacted. After we prayed, our worms were full of Inay's delicious foods. She is the best!

"Are you ready for school tomorrow, kids?" she asked, smiling.

"Yes!" we said and then laughed after realizing that we did it again for the second time.

Ah! School!


THREE of us have different schedules. I've only got second and fourth periods with Cheena and third periods with Abel. Half of the day, we introduced ourselves to the class, and we just did the same process. We are here now at the cafeteria eating our lunch made by Inay.

It was an excellent first day because everyone was friendly, and they were looking at us with awe.

I'm the small one in the group. I'm only 5'4", Cheena's 5'6", and Abel is 6' flat. We smiled at our classmates when they passed our table, and I only remembered the faces. I'm not good at remembering names at first sight.

"So you'll sign up to the Culinary Team, Kaye?" Cheena asked.

"Nah, I don't know if I'll have time for that. You know, I got a job, and I think that I should concentrate on the actual thing," I said casually. Cheena just nodded.

"So, you two signed up for the tryouts?" They just nodded and smiled. "I know they'll be amazed by you, guys. You're the best Basketball player and Cheerleader I have ever known."

"We know!" they said cockily, and we laughed.

Oops! The students watch us with questioning looks. We forgot we're at a public cafeteria.

Then suddenly my eyes went to the cafeteria entrance, and I saw the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. I'm not the type of person who is easily pleased by someone's looks, but this girl caught my attention.

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