Chapter 6

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I WOKE up at one-thirty in the afternoon. I slept too long, but it felt great. I'm not sure when was the last time I slept that long. It's terrific to be back home.

I went for a shower, and after that, I wore my ripped jean short shorts and a white V-neck shirt, then my slippers. I have no plans of going out today. I still needed to rest. And I'm hungry, so I need to eat first. Although I can make this easy by just calling the maids, even if we are rich, I'm not taking advantage of anything that I have right now. Though at work, if I start in the Confection Industry, which I'm sure it's pretty soon, I'll take advantage of my position as the owner's daughter for them to respect me.

"Good morning, Señorita," the maid greeted me and bowed when I reached the kitchen.

"What's your name? Are you new here?" I asked her while rummaging through the refrigerator. Then I looked at her when I got what I wanted from the fridge.

"A-Anita, my name is Anita, Señorita," she answered shyly.

I went to the sink and washed the apple in my hands. I look again at her and scan her features.

No, I'm not checking her out. I'm just scanning her features. She's slim, tanned skin, and has a beautiful face. Overall, she's pretty.

"How old are you? And when did you start working here?" I asked, biting my apple and without breaking her gaze off her. I felt her nervousness. I like when people are intimidated by my presence sometimes. I just like it. I guess I belong to the masochist circle. I am just kidding! Nah, I'm not.

"Uhm... I'm eighteen, and I started working here three years ago, Señorita," she said nervously.

Oh, maybe she's a good worker. Our maids didn't last that long if Manang Linda wouldn't recommend them to continue working on the mansion. We trust Manang Linda that much. Her loyalty has been proven for twenty years, and she's the headmistress of this mansion.

Anita's gazing at the floor and then at me back and forth while fidgeting her fingers. I smiled at her.

"Hey, it's fine. Don't be scared." I smiled at her in a friendly manner.

She let out a sigh of relief. Then she smiled back at me. The dimple in her right cheek appeared. She's more beautiful when she smiles.

"Where are Dad and Sylvia?"

"Señor went to the office and Señorita Sylvia's at school, Señorita."

"Ah. Okay. Can you please prepare some food? Then take it to the pool area, and I guess we could chat, probably, if you don't mind? I would like to know how you ended up working here." I smiled politely at her.

She nodded. She didn't say anything, but I could see in her eyes the excitement and joy. Then she nodded a couple of times again. I can't help grinning at her reaction. Then she prepared the food, and I went to the pool area, still smiling.

In just ten minutes, she joined me at the pool area. Anita shared her life story. I just ate. I'm just listening to her.

Anita started working at the mansion when she was fifteen. She was Manang Linda's good friend's daughter and has known her for too long and has known Anita ever since she was a kid.

That's why she recommended Anita because she knows her very well. She worked here to pursue her college degree because her parents couldn't send her to school anymore.

My Dad sent her to college. She has five siblings, and she's the eldest. So, as the first child in the family, she has a big responsibility on her shoulder right now.

Well, she's in her second year in college at UP. She is taking up Secondary education, and she's also a bright girl. I can tell that because of how she speaks to me. She's pretty knowledgeable and comfortable speaking, but she still knows not to cross her boundaries.

She quickly got my sympathy because somewhat, I can relate to her. I'm just lucky because my Dad decided to find me. But this girl has a big future. I can tell that he'll be a master in her profession someday.

I'm glad that my Dad is a kind-hearted person. You see, he never treated our employees as just merely employees but as a family. Dad loves to help; that is why God is blessing him even more.

That's why I quickly forgave him when I finally met him because I felt his sincerity and love towards me. I also love him so much that I shouldn't think of anything stupid towards his fiancé. I don't want to hurt him.

I frown at the idea of hurting him. I can't. I will not hurt him for the sake of these stupid feelings that occurred seven years ago.

"--ou okay, Señorita?" Anita asked. I forgot that we're talking. I was so lost in my thoughts earlier.

"Pardon?" I asked back.

"I asked if you're okay, Señorita. I should go back inside to finish my chores now so that you can have some time alone," she said with a concerned look.

"Aye. I'm fine. I'm sorry. I guess I'm still tired from the flight back here," I said and smiled.

"Um. Okay, Señorita. Thank you so much for your time. At least I got the time to get to know you." Anita smiled while standing from the chair.

"No. Please stay. I want someone to talk to right now. I hate to be alone." I pleadingly smiled at her.

She nodded with gladness and then seated back. Then we talked about random things until afternoon.

After the chit-chat with Anita, I felt sleepy again, so I went back to my room for a power nap.

While in my room, I remembered that I hadn't unpacked my luggage yet. I told the maids that I'd do it myself because, honestly, I'm still not used to being served by others. It's just a little baggage anyway.

Before I unpacked my things, I turned on the radio. I never miss playing music while working or doing things, especially when alone. I love how songs make me feel comfortable if I'm doing something or sleeping. That's my habit.

I'm a music lover and a musician. The songs relaxed my mind from everything.

"I'm playing some JB music right now. Hope you enjoy listening to our first song," the Disk Jockey said. Her voice was hot and sexy. Then the song by Justin Bieber, Ghost playing now.

I unpack my things in an orderly manner. I'm an organized person, and I like everything in its place, so I carefully unpack my clothes. It's not that much anyway because I don't want to stay here for too long, much more now because I know who my father's fiancee is. I was almost finished when the DJ played another song.

I began to neatly pick out everything in my luggage when a silver bracelet dropped from the clothes I was carrying. I picked out the white silver bracelet and sat on the edge of my bed. I saw the initials craft on it.


It was too late when I realized the song playing on the radio is related to what I'm feeling right now. The song was It'll Be Okay by Shawn Mendez.

As he sang the chorus, I came back to when I clearly remembered the memories of the one who gave me this bracelet.

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