Chapter 3

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I STARTED sharing with Dad about my journeys when I was away from them. I told him about my adventures when I toured some places in America to find unusual chocolates that I could use for my new recipes. And that means good or bad as long as it's unique from other chocolate recipes.

That's what I practically did after I graduated from NYU with flying colors, discovering more about chocolates and sweets.

Then Dad called Sylvia's name, and the latter seemed oblivious of our presence. She's frowning; then, she will smile again. She didn't notice that Dad and I were staring at her. Someone is daydreaming.

Ever since I was young, I have loved sweets and chocolates. My mother was a great baker and also a chocolatier. She also loves to make delicious desserts. But she never had the chance to fulfill her dreams because she had me when she was sixteen and deserted by the person who got her impregnated. She raised me on her own. She had no other family because she's been an orphan since she was ten years old, and no one among her relatives wanted to adopt her.

My Mom went through a lot of pain and struggles. She works during the day and studies at night. She has extra work at night and also after class at a resto-bar. She was a waitress there, and that's where she met my father.

"Sylvia? Baby?" Dad's first call. The brat is still oblivious.

"Sylvia?" Second call. What is happening to this girl?

"Sylvia Josephine?!" Dad called her. With her middle name. Dad knows how Sylvia hated being called by her middle name. We don't exactly know why. Every time I ask her about it, she shrugs off the topic. That's why we always used it to get her attention, tease, or piss her off.

"Dad! Please don't call me that name again." Uh-huh! Effective though.

"Dad calls you like a thousand times, but your attention seems to be somewhere. And you're frowning and smiling at yourself. Don't tell me you're on drugs? Oh my God! My sister is a drug addict!" I said, acting as if she was doing it.

"What?!" The reaction on her face is priceless. She bought my act. We laughed hard and forgot everything around us then...

"Good evening. I'm sorry I'm late." That voice is familiar! That angelic voice!

I snapped my head to the dining hall's entrance and saw a goddess standing there. I just stared at her. She smiled at Dad and Sylvia, and when she reached her eyes to mine, I couldn't help but be awestruck at her beautiful blue eyes. Then I saw her beamed. My heart pounds as if I went for a hundred miles run.

Ahh, the feeling is still there.

"Hi! Must you be Geste? Nice meeting you." I didn't notice that she was now standing in front of me.

I think I swallowed my tongue. I was not able to say anything. I was just staring at the brunette.

Hey, tongue? Where art thou? Then to my surprise, she hugs me.

"Welcome home," she said aloud. I still can't pull my tongue. I can smell her sweet chocolate scent that I always love to smell.

Then she went to my father's side when I didn't respond, and I saw her peck him on his lips.

That's when I snap out of my illusions. I automatically grab the glass of wine in front of me and gulp it one time. Is this happening? Am I dreaming? Please, someone has to wake me up from this nightmare! It must be a sick joke! Where's the camera? Maybe someone is playing a trick on me! Come on!

"It's okay, sweetheart. I know you're a very busy person," I heard Dad say and grab the chair beside him to let the brunette sit close to him. She then sat beside him.

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