Chapter 4

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Flashback continues...

AND THE winner for this year's Cupcake and Desserts war is..." the voice of the emcee echoed all over the school gym. The fake drum rolls play.

I'm so nervous. My stomach is in somersaults. But I'm optimistic I'm winning this competition.

"Maria Kaye Romero!" The crowd cheered my name. I heard my name called and announced a winner, but I'm still absorbing the situation. I'm so overwhelmed; I think I'm going to cry, a cry for victory and happiness.

"Come on stage, Miss Romero!" The emcee called me again, and this time I obeyed. "Requesting Mrs. Salazar to give the awards to our winner," he added.

The Governor's wife pleasantly greeted and congratulated me. Then she gave me my cash prize and scholarship papers.

"Thank you, ma'am," I sincerely said to her; she smiled. I'm so happy right now, and as I have this award, I badly needed to see Inay. I wonder what her reaction will be when she learns about this. I can imagine her jumping in joy right now. My grin became wider while thinking of her.

More picture takings, a little interview, and a talk with the Governor's wife, and we're done.


At my small house...

"CONGRATULATIONS, anak," Inay said for the nth time. Ever since I arrived from the competition, she has congratulated me for the nth time.

"Thank you, Nay. You know it's all for you." I hugged her. Inay sits beside me at our small table while Cheena and Abel are on the other side.

We're here at my tiny house celebrating my victory. My teachers and classmates also came but went home already because it was late. My two best friends will sleep in my house even though their houses are only in the neighborhood. They live in a subdivision beside our slum area.

I already know that we'll end up not sleeping again because we will talk about a lot of stuff again as if we haven't seen each other for too long. It will be another long night.

"Thank you, Anak. I'm so proud of you. I'm fortunate to have you. You're my angel." I smiled lovingly at my Mom and kissed her cheek.

"Aww. Sweet," Cheena said while looking at us.

"Hey, that's enough. I'm starving," Abel interrupted, not averting his eyes from the foods in front of him.

He looks like a lion ready to devour his prey. He's famished. Poor worms of Abel, I think they're fighting in his stomach right now. We haven't eaten yet because we entertained the visitors first. Talk about Pinoy hospitality.

Cheena slaps the back of his head.

"Ouch! What was that for?" He glared at Cheena while rubbing the back of his head. She must've walloped him.

"What was that for?!" She repeated what he said. I can see she's raising her left eyebrow. "They're having their mother-daughter moment in here, and you're ruining it with your big monster mouth. Can't you wait?"

"I'm sorry. Okay? I'm hu---" He was not able to finish what he was about to say when his stomach growled loudly. "Hear that? Hehe! Do you still need proof?" He pointed out his stomach. He was blushing. He's tomato red.

We were all laughing because of him. Haaa! It is the happiest day of my life!

We started eating. We are chatting while eating.

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