Chapter 5

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"I MISSED you, Nay," I whispered to myself. I buried my face in my knees and silently sobbed. I don't want to disturb them with my crying right now. I don't want them to see me like this.

After a long bath, I went out to the bathroom and pulled on my white nightgown.

I went to my bed and lay down. I sighed a heavy sigh. I'm tired physically, but my mind refuses to shut.

Now I'm thinking about Marie again. Of all these years, I wonder how she maintained her slender and beautiful figure.

She turned into a gorgeous woman. I can't help staring at her sexy toned legs shown in her working skirt a while ago. The height of her skirt was half of her legs; that's why it's so visible. I wonder if it's still as smooth as before or if it's smoother now.

And her ass, darn, her ass is so sexy. I wanted to touch it but no, not in my dad's presence. Then her curves and her boobs, yeah, her boobs. I want to caress it till she moans my name like before. Kiss her neck and her soft spot, her ears. I wonder if it's still her soft spot right now.

Maybe, I could try?

Ahh, I feel something wrong inside of me. I'm feeling warm again, to think that I'm from the shower not so long ago. I think I need to join the ice bucket challenge right now.

Am I really 'mind raping' my soon-to-be mother? But she was mine first. But I don't want to hurt my father either. I love him so much that I can't do this to him. Ugh! Can someone please tell me it's a dream? Why would this have to be as complicated as this? Am I expecting another chance from her? She didn't even recognize me in the first place, or... she is just ignoring me?

I'm glad that I haven't told Dad and Sylvia the name of my first love. All they knew was the story of her and me.

Dad accepted me when I told him about loving a girl and my sexuality. He said it doesn't matter to him because the only thing that matters is that I will stay with him and never leave him anymore.

Sylvia didn't mind as well when she learned that I'm gay, although we were indifferent to one another for the first two months of our relationship as sisters. She didn't accept me at first, bullied me every day, and at worst, she tried to kill me by throwing a vase in my face.

She was pretty stubborn way back then and a very selfish one. She admitted that she was jealous and asked for forgiveness for what she did in New York.

After the incident with her, Dad sent me to New York a month after her 'trying to kill me' incident. She asked for forgiveness through Skype, and after that, our relationship as sisters grew instantly.

I don't know, but I didn't mean to hide the name of my first love from them, but I mentally congratulate myself for not telling them her name. That was a good job.

If I was a sweetheart when I was way back in the Philippines, I am the total opposite when I came to New York.

I've been a player and a heartbreaker. I didn't mean to do that, but girls come to me willingly, and I'm not a saint to resist the beauty that they're offering to me. I made it clear to them also that I don't do relationships. The last time I did that, I messed up everything. So some went into hysterics, and some cursed me, but I don't believe that it's my fault anymore. I'm pretty honest with them. Why can't they understand that?

I did have one serious relationship previously.

Fiona is a great person and a good catch. I met her at the hospital. She was a medical student way back then, and it was her shift when I came there. I was at the hospital because girl goons beat me up. Yeah, girl goons.

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