Chapter 32

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"HEY, you're here," Sylvia greeted me as I entered the door of the mansion. She kissed me on the cheek. She looked happy today.

"Yeah. Uhh," I'm not so sure what to say. Marie texted me to meet her here by not giving me specific ideas on why the heavens we should meet here. But I just obeyed because she said she would tell me later.

"You're just on time," she said, dragging me to the living room. She didn't even give me time to speak. What is happening to this sister of mine? I had no choice but to follow her lead because she was still dragging me.

"You have a visitor," she announced. I looked at her confusingly and was about to ask, but I heard a familiar voice greeting me.

"Geste, honey. I missed you."

"Fiona? Oh my god! I missed you too! Give me some love, babe," I said to her, then she grinned widely at me. Her long blonde hair dances with her when she runs next to me and gives me a bone-crushing hug.

"Oh, you red little riding hood. How are you?" Fiona asked when she let go of me.

I was about to answer when Sylvia cleared her throat.

"Oh?" I said, looking at Sylvia.

"Will you not introduce us?" she asked, smiling and looking at Fiona and me.

"Oh yeah. You never really met one person. Yeah, uhh anyway, this is my brat sister Sylvia and Syl, this is Fiona." They hug each other and talk like they have known each other for a long time. But actually, they only met once, on the net, on Skype.

"Hey, I'm still here," I said, pouting.

"Aww, jealous girl. I was just welcoming your girlfriend, Maria," Sylvia said while snickering.

Fiona looked at me with a what-did-she say look, and I was about to clear everything to Sylvia when Manang Linda and Rita entered with a tray in their hands.

"Grab some snacks first, kids, before you talk and talk," Manang said, placing the tray of food on the table. Rita did the same as she excused herself when I dismissed her.

"Thanks, Manang. This looks so delicious," Sylvia said to Manang as she grabbed a brownie and sipped her smoothie. "Hmm, it is, guys. You need to taste this," she said, sitting on the couch and forgetting about us.

"She's a food perv," I whispered to Fiona.

"She's cute anyway." She giggled.

"I heard that, Maria. You're so mean. Thanks, Fiona," she said, narrowing her eyes to me and smiling at Fiona. This girl. "Please be seated, Fiona, be comfortable. And you should try Manang's brownies. It's delicious," she said, still eating. Whoa? Where did her manners go?

I heard Fiona giggle and sit on the sofa as I shook my head and sat beside her.

"Ahh, Syl. I have something to give you, but you can get it later if you want," I heard Manang say.

"What is it, Nang?" Sylvia asked nonchalantly because she was still eating.

"It's from Josielyn, but you can get---"

"What? No! I'll get it now. Excuse me," she said politely to us.

"Alright, kiddo. It's in my room. Excuse us." Manang smiled at us, then off they went with Sylvia, giddily excited at what Josielyn might have given her.

"Whose Josielyn?" Fiona asks as we sit near each other. We were exes, but now we're friends, so no malice. I'm still comfortable with her.

"When did you become so nosy?" I teased her as I gave her the glass of smoothie. And drink some of mine. Wow, Manang is one of the hella makers of smoothies ever. This was the best!

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