Chapter 19

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Four hours ago...

THE BELL rang for my first-period class this afternoon. I am a professor now at my alma mater, UP Diliman. I finished my degree and master's in teaching at UP. I teach classes in the Accountancy Department, mainly in the graduating class.

I walked toward the room and waited for my students to come in. They greeted me with a warm smile, and I smiled as well as I greeted them back. I closed the door when the final bell rang.

"Okay, class, get back to work where you had left it the last time. I'll give you twenty minutes to finish it today, and we will start another lecture about Accounting 501. Your time starts now." I instructed them to head back to my table.

I sat there and grabbed my phone in my bag. I checked it and opened the message I received from my husband. Yes, I'm married now for two years to the person I never thought I could ever love this much. The text was a thoughtful message from my husband asking if I had eaten lunch. I texted back that I was eating and asked if he had his lunch. He is busy practicing for the PBA finals, but he still has time to check on me.

My husband is a professional basketball player in the Philippines. He is one of the best and most great basketball players in this country. After we graduated college, he automatically got a spot from the best teams at PBA. I'm so proud of him.

I put my phone back in my bag and started to check the work from my other students. I was in the middle of putting notes to my student's works when I heard a hiss at the back of the class. I saw my girl student trying to get her phone back from the boy student who was keeping the phone away from the girl.

"Give me back my phone," she said in a whisper tone but enough for me to hear it.

The guy just stuck his mouth to the girl while trying so hard to snatch back her phone. I walked toward them, and they didn't notice. They're also not aware that they're making a scene inside my class, and my other students are looking at them. They disturbed my class with whatever they were battling for.

I cleared my throat as I stood in front of them.

"Ahem. Are you aware that you're disturbing this class with your intolerable behavior, Mr. Atayde, and Miss Mendoza?" I said in a teacher-mode tone. They flinch and look at me and look down.

"Sorry, ma'am," they said.

"What was this all about? Give me the phone, Mr. Atayde," I said in a stern voice, and he handed me the phone while still looking down. They're not usually like this. These two were the most intelligent people in this class, and I can't believe they all acted like this. They used to be good students, just being silent and doing their work with flying colors.

"Meet me after class," I said in a disappointed tone, and they nodded without looking at me.

I sat back in my chair and instructed the student to continue working. They obeyed immediately and silently worked on their paper. The two still didn't look at me. They must've felt the

disappointment in my voice. They're my favorite students, and I'm disappointed with what they did a while ago.

After a lecture and checking the papers, the time runs out, and the bell rings, ending the class. The students went off, leaving the two still in an uneasy manner.

"Sit here, you two, in front," I commanded them. The two quickly obeyed and sat on the front chairs. "What was that all about?" I ask in a soft voice. They look at me in a sorry state. I know they didn't purposely do it. They're like intelligent, good students.

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