Chapter 48

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Depois do lanche infindável que a minha mãe preparou, cheio de iguarias da região e tradições portuguesas, vamos apanhar um pouco de ar, e passear pelo centro da cidade de Braga.

So this is the city where you grew up - diz Niall, observando tudo.
Yes, until I moved to Lisbon for college - digo.
Thank you for showing me this part of you - Niall enlaça a mão na minha.
I want you to know all of me - digo, acariciando a sua mão.
Your family has a different accent than you... right? - pergunta.
Yes they do. I lost my accent when I moved to Lisbon, but they always lived here - digo.
It sounds funny... - ri - and I really appreciate that they try to speak with me in English!
I think they liked you. Even my dad - digo.
I have still to build his trust. I get it, you're his only child, a girl... it must be hard to let you go - diz, super compreensivo.
For the way you speak, it seams like you had a daughter already - gozo.
I did not, but I would really love to, one day - diz - I look at Ed, with his baby girl and well, a guy can dream! - ri.
I think you'd be a great father... - digo.
Well, it's up to you, you know... - diz.
Olho para ele confusa.
Just waiting on the "give me a daughter" sign, and it's done - goza.
Envio-lhe um SMS com essa mensagem.
This can do - diz lendo o SMS. De seguida, faz de conta que se atira p'ra cima de mim.
Rio do seu disparate e vamos até ao café "A Brasileira".
This looks old - diz, observando a decoração - it's beautiful!
It is - sorrio - I always loved to come here with my friends, or even with my family, just to have coffee and be out...
Will I get the chance to meet your friends? - pergunta.
Oh yeah, some of them are really excited to meet you... - digo.
Some fan? - pergunta.
Yup! - rio - but she's cool...
Good to know - ri - it's always funny to meet friends who are fans...
Well last time you made a friend who was your fan, you ended up dating her - gozo.
I know! And she was the hottest! - goza, e puxa-me uma cadeira, para me sentar.
Good thing she ain't here to hear that - gozo, e sento-me.
Oh I think she knows she's hot - ri, sentando-se ao meu lado.
Pedimos, cada um, um Irish coffee apenas pela ironia, e conversamos um pouco sobre como têm sido os últimos dias. Ele atualiza-me sobre a pequena tour que irá fazer, com o Lewis, como previsto. Atualizo-o sobre o meu regresso a Braga, o tempo em família e, agora que estamos juntos, a situação com o Ricardo.
I really hope I don't meet that guy - diz Niall - he betrayed you with someone else's girlfriend? That's even more disgusting!
Yeah... it was a hard time for me - admito.
Of course... - Niall acaricia-me a mão - you don't deserve to be treated like that...
Good thing I have you in my life - sorrio.
Yes! I'm here to protect you... and love you - diz.
I know - sorrio.
I need to meet that friend of yours, Tiago? - tenta dizer o nome - he stand up for you, I like that.
Yes, he's a good friend. His parents have been friends with my parents since... ever... so he is like a cousin to me - explico.
Did you ever had other feelings for each other? - pergunta.
Oh no! - rio, desalmadamente - that would be like marrying a brother... never in a million years!
I bet somewhere in time your parents wished for that - diz Niall.
Yeah.. my dad did, but soon understood it wouldn't happen. - digo - and you are the first boyfriend my father meets...
No pressure at all - ri de nervoso - I really hope we can get along... seriously.
You will, don't worry - encosto-me a ele - I love that you are here, taking a break from your busy life, to meet my parents.
I think this break, with you, will be the best start of the tour - diz - specially because I will miss you and think of you in every city I go! Like "oh she would like this" or "I gotta take her here someday"!
You really are a keeper - sorrio e beijo-lhe a bochecha.

Nice to Meet Ya!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora