Chapter 2

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I know this song! - diz Niall

Oh you do? - rio

Dance with me - Niall levanta-se e estende a mão

What? - rio

Dance with me - repete com um sorriso no rosto

Como é que posso dizer que não a este sorriso?

Seguro a mão dele e ele encaminha-nos para outro canto.

You gotta let me record this... - peço - just for me

Only if you send it to me - sorri

O cantor começa a cantar.

I like the way you talk,
I like the things you wear
I want your number tattooed on my arm in ink, I swear - Niall sussurra-me ao ouvido enquanto a música toca

'Cause when the morning comes, I know you won't be there
Every time I turn around, you disappear - faço playback olhando para ele enquanto ele anda à minha volta

I wanna blow your mind, just come with me, I swear
I'm gonna take you somewhere warm, you know j'adore la mer
'Cause when the morning comes, I know you won't be there
Every time I turn around, you disappear

Dançamos como se estivéssemos numa discoteca. Os nosso corpos juntos e a mover-se em sincronia.

Nice to meet ya
(I got love for you)
(I got love for you)
Nice to meet ya, what's your name?
Let me treat ya to a drink- Niall dança como no videoclip vertical e eu não consigo parar de rir enquanto gravo, apontando para mim

One minute, you're there, the next one, you're gone
Been waiting for you all night, so come on
You know what I need, you know what I want
You know what I need now, you know what I need now - Niall dança e canta olhando-me nos olhos, pisca o olho enquanto canta "you know what I need now" e eu chamo-o para perto com o dedo

Nice to meet ya, what's your name?
Let me treat ya to a drink
Nice to meet ya
(I got love for you)
Where ya been?
(I got love for you)
Let me treat ya
(I got love for you)
To a drink
(I got love for you)
Nice to meet ya

Terminamos a nossa dança a rir, ofegantes.

That was fun! - Niall ri

It was - rio e ajeito o meu cabelo, despenteado

Can I take you home? - pergunta

Nice to Meet Ya!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora