A Year Later

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Author: Lexy 

Prompt: Y/N runs into her ex, Bradley Rooster Bradshaw, after not seeing  him for a year

Y/N's hometown bar was more crowded than normal. Since it was the holiday's everybody was home, visiting their family. Y/N was one of the few exceptions since she never actually left her hometown and she didn't plan to anytime soon.

She pushed open the door to the bar and loud music immediately filled her ears. The pop song was well known for its dance on TikTok and she noticed a few people doing the dance. Glancing around she spotted her best friend sitting alone at the bar, her favorite drink in her hand. Y/N slowly pushed her way through the crowd of people, smiling occasionally at people she knew.

The bar stool was tall and Y/N held onto the bar as she hoisted herself into the chair. Elena slid her drink over to Y/N and she took a long sip, the taste of alcohol leaving a bitter taste in her mouth.

"God, how strong did you ask them to make this?" Y/N laughed, passing the drink back to Elana.

"Strong!" Elana replied, smiling. "Just in case I see Logan tonight."

Elana was referring to her long time boyfriend that she dated most of high school and college. Logan ended up cheating on Elana and even though it had been years, Elana never quite forgave him. To say Elana held a grudge was an understatement. Nobody messed with Elana because she never forgot anything.

"Do you think Bradley will be here?" Elana asked, changing the subject.

Y/N shrugged. "No idea." She flagged down the bartender and ordered her classic rum and coke. The bartender made the drink impressively fast and she handed over her credit card to him as he handed her the drink.

"You know you never did tell me what exactly happened between the two of you? One day you two seemed completely in love and then the next day it was done. Not to mention that you didn't even tell me you broke up until a week later!" Elana said, clearly still irritated by the matter.

Y/N shrugged. "The relationship just ran its course," Y/N lied, still not wanting to tell her best friend that she had in fact been dumped.

It had been almost a year since Bradley had told her that he was leaving and that he wanted to end the relationship. He had told her that he was going to have a lot going on and being in a long distance relationship was going to be difficult. Y/N had been completely blindsided by the conversation. He had never mentioned wanting to leave for Top Gun. All of that had seemed to be in the past and she thought that he was done with flying.

Elana rolled her eyes, clearly unimpressed by Y/N's answer. "I don't believe that for a minute."

Y/N took a sip of her drink, cringing from the amount of alcohol in it. "Well, believe it because that's the truth."

Although Y/N's back was to the door, she turned around to look at it, when Elana scrunched up her nose in disgust.

"What? Did someone just walk in?" Y/N asked, looking around the crowded bar.

"Yea..." Elana said, her eyes following the person.

Y/N turned around to look before her eyes stopped on a tall figure, whose back was to her. His hair was shorter than the last time she had seen him but there was no mistake who it was. Bradley Bradshaw. The man who had dumped her ass a year prior.

"Do you want to leave?" Elana asked, gently placing her hand on top of Y/N's.

Y/N thought about it for a moment. "No. It's fine. As long as I don't have to interact with him, we can stay."

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