Pregnancy Drabble

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Authors: Whynnter and Lexy


The sound of the bathroom door shutting abruptly pulled Bradley from a deep sleep. His eyes fluttered open as he rolled over, stretching his arms out and reaching for the body that was no longer laying beside him. Bradley raised an eyebrow, concerned at the sudden retching sound coming from the bathroom on the opposite side of the room.

Meanwhile, Y/N knelt on the cool tiled floor behind a locked door, one hand pressed to her forehead as she rubbed her stomach gently with the other. She quickly flushed the toilet and closed her eyes as she leaned against the wall, trying hard to get past the nausea. Y/N had been feeling strange for some time now. It was hard to wake up in the morning, she had been craving foods that she wouldn't normally eat, and this wasn't the first time she'd thrown up randomly in the middle of the night.

Y/N and her boyfriend Bradley had been dating for over a year now. In the beginning he was often gone, deployed overseas or off training. After they'd reached the 6 month mark in the relationship, they couldn't stand to be apart anymore and decided to move to his next assignment together. Things were going well, especially in the bedroom.

One particular night a few weeks ago came to mind, when Bradley had come home late from being away for a mission. They were both eager to have one another, and it wasn't until now that Y/N had realized they didn't use any sort of protection.

There's no way.

After the sound of retching subsided, Bradley sat up in bed and turned his bedside lamp on. "Babe, are you okay?"

When there was no response, Bradley pushed the blankets off of him and slowly walked over to the closed bathroom door. There was a sliver of light peeking out from underneath but it was quiet on the other side.

"Y/N?" he said, tapping his knuckles quietly against the door.

Y/N let out a small squeal and Bradley heard something fall to the floor.

"What's going on in there?" he asked, concerned.

The door unlocked and slowly opened, revealing Y/N on the other side, her face pale. Bradley glanced down at her hand to see a blue and white stick.

"What is that?" he asked, pointing.

Without saying a word, Y/N handed him the stick and sat on the edge of the bathtub. Bradley looked down at the stick and read the bold lettering.


"Whose is this?" Bradley whispered, staring at Y/N who started to smile. He glanced down at the stick again, then back up at his girlfriend. "This is yours? You're pregnant?"

Y/N nodded, "Yeah, I am pregnant. We're going to have a baby."

Bradley immediately dropped the test into the sink and pulled Y/N into his arms. Both of their hearts were racing with excitement and anticipation at the thought of becoming parents. 

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