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Author: Whynnter


A long, grueling day of training was finally coming to an end as I sat in the lounge between Phoenix and Rooster, leaning my head back in exhaustion. I hadn't slept well the night before, and the early training we had this morning did not help. I could feel a hand on my thigh, giving me a gentle squeeze for reassurance. I opened my eyes to give Rooster a small smile.

I could feel someone's eyes on me from across the room and without needing to look I knew exactly who it was. I glanced up to see Hangman glaring at Rooster's hand on my leg. I quickly elbowed Bradley and tilted my head over to Jake. Bradley looked at Hangman and sighed.

Rooster and I had been dating for the last few months and he didn't like having to hide our relationship. However, the given circumstances made me hesitant and I wasn't quite ready to come out and tell everyone. The only other person that knew about us was Phoenix.

With Hangman, I was always dedicated to him. We were together for three years, and it wasn't until I found intimate texts between him and his ex-girlfriend, Sarah, that my heart had strayed and I found myself in the arms of someone else. I went to Rooster that night for reassurance, and comfort, but ended up waking up naked and even more confused than the night before.

"I don't like the way he is looking at you."

Phoenix and I both looked at Rooster, an annoyed expression clear on his face.

I shook my head. "This is not the time or the place."

"I don't care to spare his feelings since he never cared about yours."

Rooster draped his arm over the couch, his fingers brushing across the back of my neck. He was going to push Hangman today.

"You guys aren't as subtle as you think."

Almost on queue, Hangman spoke up, breaking the silence in the lounge. Everyone turned to look at him and my heart fell to my stomach. He knew, no matter how hard I had tried to hide it.

I tried to play it off. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't try to act like you don't know what I'm talking about!"

Everyone's attention was on me as I stood up from the couch and walked towards Hangman. His arms were crossed over his chest as he looked me up and down, something that once would have given me chills, but now only pissed me off.

"What is it that you want me to say, Hangman? That Rooster and I are together?"

Hangman shook his head. "No, I want you to admit that you cheated on me with him."

The room went silent and it took me a minute to gather myself, embarrassed by the attention this argument was bringing. Confrontation was not my strong suit.

"I- Jake, that's nonsense."

For a brief moment, his attention moved to someone else. I turned to see Rooster slowly walking up behind me, causing a smile to appear on Hangman's face.

My hand balled into a fist. "Why are you doing this right now?"

"Come on, just say it."

"I have nothing to say."

He ignored me. "Y/N, stop acting all innocent and admit it!"

"Alright, fine!" Hangman laughed and I never wanted to smack him more than I did right now. "I went to Rooster's house late one night after training. We got drunk, and we had sex! Is that what you wanted to hear?"

Hangman pointed at Coyote who was staring at me and Rooster. "I told you!"

"But, I never would have gone to his house that night if I didn't find those texts on your phone from Sarah!"

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