Whatever It Takes

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Author: Whynnter


The banquet hall was bustling with people drinking champagne and chatting amongst themselves as the awards ceremony was set to begin soon. Y/N followed behind her father, the Director of the CIA, as he moved from group to group. He was chatting with important people who she couldn't be bothered to remember the names of. She always found these events to be dull, but because her father held a higher position, she was required to attend for appearances.

Y/N nodded at a waitress that walked by with a full tray of champagne before grabbing one and taking a sip of it. Her eyes wandered across the large room before her sights settled on a tall man who made her heart stop. She swore she had never seen anyone as good looking as the guy standing about twenty feet from her. He had light brown hair that looked a bit sun kissed and a mustache that made him stand out amongst the other men he was chatting with.

She took another sip of her drink as she continued to admire him. He must have been able to feel her staring because suddenly they were locking eyes. A smirk graced his lips and he threw her a quick wink before turning back to his conversation. She could feel her cheeks heating up and she excused herself from her father's conversation and headed out into the rather empty hallway.

The restroom was empty as she placed her clutch down on the counter and pulled a tube of lipstick out to reapply. She quickly looked over her dress in the mirror, straightening the thin fabric out with the palm of her hand. The long emerald green dress she wore was not her first choice, but after seeing it on and how well it accentuated her curves, her mind had quickly changed.

After looking over her appearance one last time in the mirror, she swiftly opened the door and exited the restroom. To her surprise, the handsome man she had been admiring was waiting for her, his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall.

He smiled at her, and she could have sworn her heart skipped a beat.

"Having a good night?"

Y/N smiled back at him. "It's a bit boring, but it has potential now."

He pushed off the wall and moved closer to her as she tried to keep her nerves calm. "Good, wouldn't want to bore a pretty girl like you."

His eyes moved across her figure, giving her the opportunity to fully take in his appearance. He was gorgeous. His light brown eyes glistened in the dimly lit hallway as they moved up her body to meet her eyes once again.

"Do you know who I am?" Y/N asked.

He took another step towards her, closing the small gap between them. "I'm going to make an educated guess and say that you are Director Cole's daughter. Either that, or you're his mistress."

Y/N laughed at that. "Definitely not his mistress."

"Daughter then. I'm Bradley."

Y/N shook his outstretched hand. "I'm Y/N. Do you still want to talk to me even though you know who my father is?"

He shrugged and his demeanor was cool and collected. "Doesn't scare me. Unless you think it should?"

She smirked and trailed a hand down his arm. "Oh it definitely should."

With that she turned around to walk back into the ballroom, leaving Bradley stunned. He wasn't sure how he knew it so certainly, but he had met his match. He was bound and determined to leave with her number that night, at the very least.

Bradley made his way back down into the crowded room, searching for the girl that was already taking residence in his mind. When he finally spotted her, she was back at her father's side, putting on fake smiles for everyone she was being introduced to. She glanced at him slyly, throwing him a wink this time.

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