Stranger From a Bar (smut)

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Author: Lexy


The bar was dimly lit as Y/N stepped inside. Soft music played through the speakers as Y/N slowly walked over to a bar stool. The only other person in the bar was two stools away and glanced over at her. He gave her a small smile before turning back to the tv. The football game seemed to be grabbing his full attention.

After the day that Y/N just had, she couldn't wait to have an ice cold alcoholic beverage. The bartender, Sherry, that was working today spotted Y/N and began to make her favorite drink. Y/N was a regular and Sherry was her favorite bartender. Sherry probably knew more about Y/N's life then her closest friends did. WIthin moments, the drink was placed down in front of her.

"I'm not used to seeing you until the evenings," Sherry commented, placing a hand on her hip.

Y/N took a long sip of her drink. It was stronger than normal and she let out a small cough from the bitter taste.

"It's been a long day already."

"Cheers to that," the other customer said, holding his drink up and taking a sip.

His brown eyes met hers and it was then that she noticed how attractive he was. His light brown hair was short and he had a mustache. Normally Y/N never found anyone with a mustache attractive but there was something about this guy. The blue jeans that he was wearing sat low on his hips and showed off his ass. His Hawaiian shirt that he was wearing was not something that she could get behind but he sure did know how to wear it. She just knew that underneath that shirt would be a very attractive six pack for her to stare at.

He stood up and moved over to take the seat next to her. Her heart skipped a beat and her mind began to race with dirty thoughts. Dirty thoughts of things that she wanted him to do to her. She didn't want a relationship, she just wanted to sleep with someone. Although that was not her intention when she walked into the bar that quickly changed the moment he sat next to her.

"Hi," he said to her, and she greeted him back.

The two of them made small talk and as they talked she soon learned that his name was Bradley. Her eyes kept glancing towards his fingers that were playing with the label of his beer. The things she wanted those fingers to do to her. She could imagine his fingers touching her, being inside of her, her walls clenching around them as she came undone.

His eyes studied her as they conversed. She was quiet but she answered every question that he asked her. He soon found out that she had just been let go of her job earlier that morning. That would explain being atthe bar at 1pm on a Wednesday. He told her that he had just gotten out of a bad relationship and needed to get out of his house for a bit. He wasn't planning on coming to the bar, this is just where he ended up.

He found her very attractive in every way. He liked the way she carried herself and he could tell she was confident in every aspect. She was also gorgeous. He loved all the curves of her body and wanted to run his fingers over them. When her fingers brushed against his, he could feel the electricity.

Her eyes bore into his before moving down his body, coming to a stop at his crotch. She bit down on her bottom lip and in that moment he knew that he needed to touch her. Fuck her. Hear her screaming his name.

When the bartender walked back to the kitchen, he grabbed Y/N's hand and led her back to the bathroom. The bathroom was a single person one but it would work. The door closed behind them and the moment that it closed, her lips were against his. She kissed him quickly, enjoying the feeling of his lips moving against hers.

He gripped her waist as he pulled her against him, wanting her as close as possible. One hand drew a line from her stomach up the middle of her chest. A finger slipped underneath the material of her dress and when she didn't resist, he slid it underneath her bra. He cupped her breast and gently squeezed her nipple. She let out a soft moan from the pressure and squeezed her thighs together, the tension already building. Once he was satisfied his hand moved to the other breast, doing the same thing.

She was putty under her touch and he could tell. Without warning, he bent down onto his knees and motioned for Y/N to place a leg on his shoulder. She obliged and gathered the bottom part of her dress in her hands, revealing her black lacy underwear.

Bradley gently pulled down her underwear and she kicked them to the side. He leaned forward and placed soft kisses along her skin, coming to a brief stop when he reached her already wet core.

He ran his tongue along her folds, teasing her.

"Fuck," Y/N moaned. Her fingers tangled in his hair and she gently tugged on it. He longed for her hands to be touching other parts of his body but he was gentleman and wanted to make sure she came first. He would just have to wait.

His tongue flicked against her sensitive spot, causing a loud moan to escape her lips. She felt his tongue slip inside her while he continued to suck on her bundle of nerves.

It felt amazing. She closed her eyes and let the pleasure take over. It had been a while since she had felt this feeling from anyone besides herself.

"Harder," she told him.

HIs tongue began to move quicker as his lips sucked harder against her sensitive spot. A knot formed in her stomach as Bradley's tongue pushed her over the edge. Her walls clenched around him as she gripped his shoulders, trying to hold herself steady.

"That was amazing," she told him as he stood up beside him.

Bradley smirked. "What do you say we pay for our drinks and then go back to my place? If you think that was amazing, just wait."

Y/N did not even have to think of a response. "Let's do it."

She walked over to the mirror and made sure that she looked ok. Her cheeks were red and flushed and the back of her hair was messy, from leaning against the door. With wet hands, she fixed her hair and gave herself a minute before returning back to the bar, where Bradley was waiting for her.

"Drinks are all paid for. Let's get out of here," he said, grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the door.

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