Neck Kisses

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Author: Whynnter


There wasn't a cloud in the sky, just the moon, big and bright, lighting my way as I walked down the boardwalk toward the beach.

Bradley sat at the water's edge, his bare feet buried in the sand.

I stopped beside him, his hand reaching up and grabbing mine to pull me down into his lap.

"You're mad," he whispered into my ear, causing goosebumps to rise up on my arms.

I leaned into him and rested my head on his shoulder as his hands wrapped around my waist,

"I'm not mad."

His lip brushed over my ear, "Talk to me, Y/N."

I angled my head slightly so I could see him, his dark eyes bore into mine as he tried to read how I felt.

"You just got back, and now you're leaving again. I just thought we'd have a little more time."

He nuzzled his nose into the crook of my neck as his fingers moved circles over my bare thigh, "I know, I'm sorry."

The feeling of his lips pressed against my neck caused my heart to beat faster.

"You don't have to be sorry. You've worked so hard to get to this point, and I would never stop you from living your dreams."

He nodded, "You're amazing, do you know that?"

His lips moved lazily across my skin, leaving behind little kisses as he went. Down my neck, across my collarbone, only stopping when he reached my shoulder.

I laughed, "I've been told that before."

He pressed his lips to mine for a moment and then pulled away, "Because you're so amazing, I'm not taking the chance of another guy coming along and trying to steal you away from me while I'm gone."

I turned to look at him again, smiling as I ran the tip of my finger over his bottom lip, "Yeah, and how exactly are you going to prevent that from happening?"

"With this."

I froze, staring dumbfounded at the tiny piece of jewelry Bradley held in the palm of his hand, the large diamond glistening in the moonlight.

My mouth opened but no words came out.

"It's okay, I'll go first," he whispered, pressing his lips to my temple before continuing, "It sounds so cliche, but I knew you were the one the day that I met you. When I asked you out and you said you'd only go on a date with me if I took you for a ride in an F-18."

I tried my hardest to prevent the tears from falling from my eyes as he continued.

"You were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in that little white dress and those weird looking shoes."

I laughed, "They were wedges."

He pressed his forehead to mine, "The thing I remember most, was thinking that I'd risk everything I worked toward, everything that mattered to me, just so I could take you on that ride."

I wrapped my arm around his neck and brushed my hand through his shaggy hair, "And you did."

The tears were uncontrollable at this point. I took a deep breath, as he pulled away from me and smiled.

"Will you marry me?" 

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