I'm Moving Back

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Authors: Whynnter and Lexy


The time in the car read a quarter past ten when Phoenix and I pulled up to the party. We could hear the music coming from the house before we even turned onto the block. I turned to Nat who sat in the driver's seat, the visor down in front of her as she touched up her makeup.

"Do you really think I should be here? Maybe we should go-."

Nat shook her head. "I am not letting you bail! Come on, let's go in for a little bit and if it's weird, we can head out."

I nodded and checked my own appearance in the mirror before exiting the car. Nat was right behind me as we walked up the driveway to the side door of the house. I quickly pushed the door open and was overwhelmed by the amount of people that were packed in the rather small living space.

Nat turned to me and grabbed my hand as she led us through the living room to the kitchen. It had been over three years since I had stepped foot in Bradley's house. I paused for a moment, noticing that nothing had changed. The picture of Bradley and I at the beach was still hanging on the fridge. I was surprised to see the picture considering it was from our first date over six years ago.

Nat tapped my shoulder and I turned to face her. "Bradshaw, ten o'clock," she told me.

My heart began to race as I turned to see my ex boyfriend enter the kitchen. He had his arm draped around the shoulders of a blonde, a very revealing dress showing off her chest.

Nat scrunched her face up in disgust and I elbowed her as his eyes met mine for a brief second. Bradley quickly pulled his arm off of the girl and started walking in my direction.

"Shit, he's coming over here, what do I do?"

"Just be your usual, charming self," Nat said before turning around and leaving me to my fate.

Bradley shoved through a group of guys that looked like his fellow aviators and quickly joined me.

He smiled. "Y/N, it's nice to see you."

I smiled back at him and shoved my hands in my pockets nervously. "Hey, Bradley. It's nice to see you too. How are you?"

"I'm doing well, still flying. What about you? Are you still working at the Zoo?"

"Yes, I am. I am currently working with wolves and working on wolf conservation." I took a step back but hit the wall, forgetting the size of the room. "I'm glad to hear you are still flying. It was always your dream to follow after your dad, he'd be so proud of you."

"Thank you, that means alot coming from you." Bradley's eyes lingered on my lips for a moment and I felt my heart skip a beat. "What are you doing here, Y/N? Not that I am not happy to see you, but you're the last person I'd expect to see at my party."

"I was visiting Nat and she told me she was invited to this party and that we should go. I didn't realize it was yours at first, I'm sorry if this is weird."

"No, it's not weird. It's really good to see you." He took a sip of his drink before perking up again. "Did you say you came here with Nat? Nat, as in Phoenix?"

I nodded, "Yeah, she's my best friend, we visit each other all the time."

Bradley looked at me with a confused expression.


"I work with Phoenix everyday, I didn't know you two hung out like that. Why wouldn't she tell me?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, maybe she thought it was weird. I wouldn't think that much into it."

Bradley finished his drink he was holding and stared at me for a moment. I felt my cheeks grow warm as he scanned over my features.

"Can I get you a drink? I have your favorite."

I nodded and followed him out to the backyard to where more people were hanging out, pouring drinks from a keg. He reached into one of the red coolers and pulled out a Blue Moon.

"Thanks," I smiled up at him. My cheeks flushed red at the sight of him. I didn't know how it was possible, but he was even more attractive than the last time I saw him.

"Hey Bradshaw, who's your friend?"

A tall cute blonde joined the conversation, his hand resting on Bradleys shoulder. It was hard to read Bradley. I couldn't tell if this was someone he liked, or someone he could live without.

Before Bradley could answer, I spoke up. "Hi, I'm Y/N," I said, reaching out my hand to shake the tall blonde's hand.

"You can call me Hangman, beautiful."

I could see Bradley tense out of the corner of my eye, but I decided on not being rude and continued talking.

"How do you know Bradley?" I asked him, taking a sip of my drink.

Hangman smiled at Bradley. "Oh, Bradshaw and I go way back. We attended Top Gun together back in the day."

I nodded, taking in the new handsome aviator that stood in front of me. "Interesting. What was Bradley like at Top Gun?"

"He was competition, I could have done without him. But, he's a good wingman."

"You were my wingman," Bradley added, nudging Hangman.

Hangman rolled his eyes. "Anyway, how do you know Bradshaw?"

"We grew up down the street from one another, but more recently we dated for a few years."

Bradley didn't hide his frustration well, but I could tell it only egged Hangman on

"You two dated, as in past tense?" Hangman laughed, "Why on earth would you let this one go, Bradshaw?"

He hesitated for a moment before answering Hangman's questions. "Not that it's any of your business, but I was moving to Virginia, and she was staying here in San Diego. It would have been too difficult, so we decided to end things."

Bradley's eyes locked with mine and I smiled. "We were just headed down different paths."

Hangman shook his head. "Hmm, well, as much as I am enjoying this, I am going to let you two talk amongst yourselves."

He finally turned and walked away, leaving Bradley and I alone. There was an awkward silence, neither of us knowing exactly what to say. I shoved my hands into my dress pockets and glanced around the yard at the party goers.

After a few minutes, when it was clear neither of us were going to say anything, I finally broke the silence. "I'm going to go find Phoenix, I'll talk to you later."

As I was leaving him, he suddenly blurted out, "I'm moving back to San Diego!"

I stopped where I was and turned on my heels. "What?" I asked, not sure that I had heard him correctly.

"Yeah, I'm moving back to San Diego...I just thought you should know."

I quickly walked back over to where he was standing and wrapped my arm around his neck, hugging him tightly. He pulled me against him, and I could feel his heart begin to beat faster.

"I won't ever break up with you again," he whispered in my ear before bending down to press his lips to mine.  

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