Wanna Bet?

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Author: Whynnter


Y/N walked into The Hard Deck, the small building already packed to the brim with people. Her plane had just landed when she received a call from her boyfriend asking her to meet him and their friends at their local bar. Y/N was excited, especially considering she hadn't seen anyone for three weeks as she decided to take a trip and visit her parents on the east coast. While the trip was a nice break, she missed Bradley more than anything.

Y/N glanced around the bar in hopes to catch sight of her tall, tanned boyfriend as he always stood out in a crowd. Once her gaze found the pool table, she caught a glimpse of him and their friends already gathered around drinking and chatting.

Making her way to the back, Y/N's stomach fluttered with butterflies upon seeing Bradley. Although they had been dating for a few years, any time she spent with him felt like the first time. She was absolutely crazy about him.

Her best friend Phoenix caught sight of her first and nudged Bradley to signal his girlfriend's arrival. He turned around and a wide grin broke out on his face upon seeing her.

Y/N quickened her pace and immediately wrapped her arms around his neck as his arms went around her middle, pulling her close. Bradley placed a kiss on her cheek "I missed you so much, baby."

She pulled away and smiled before responding, "I missed you more!" Y/N leaned up to give him a kiss, something she had been missing the last month.

"Did you miss us?" Coyote asked from the other side of the pool table.

Y/N turned around to face her friends as Bradley pulled her in closer to his chest, resting his chin on her shoulder. "Actually, no. I had a nice quiet, relaxing trip with no needy boys chirping in my ear all day long."

"I'm jealous," Phoenix added.

Coyote frowned in her direction and Bradley laughed. She felt Bradley nuzzle his head into the crook of her neck, placing a kiss on her neck. "I missed you and your quick wit. Please don't ever leave me alone with these idiots for that long again."

Y/N laughed as a few of the aviators feigned offense to his words. "Oh don't worry boys, he loves you too, he just can't get everything he wants from you. Isn't that right, Roo?"

He let out a small grunt of agreement and shrugged. "Can't argue with that."

Y/N turned her attention to Fanboy and Payback who were close to finishing a game of pool. "I call dibs after you two."

Hangman walked over with a new drink in hand. "Well, well, well, look at who's returned. Good, Bradshaw can stop whining."

"I wasn't whining."

Phoenix laughed while handing Y/N a shot of whiskey. "He was whining."

Y/N grabbed the shot from her friend and took it back, smiling up at her boyfriend. "Don't be ashamed, it's cute you missed me."

Rooster nipped at her neck. "Alright, enough about me, can we move on?"

She giggled and nodded, "Fine. Even though you're so fun to tease."

He leaned down to whisper in her ear, "Continue the teasing baby girl and we'll be leaving early."

Y/N's breath hitched slightly but she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing his effect on her so she pulled away once more. "Is that a promise?"

"Hey, you two quit hitting on each other and come take your turn!" Y/N glanced over at Jake because of his comment. He was holding out the pool cues towards the couple.

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