You Look Good

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Author: Whynnter

Prompt: You attend a Gala for the Navy where you run into an old friend.


Lively music filled the grand ballroom as I sat beside my uncle picking at my food. I glanced around the room looking for familiar faces as he conversed with another Commander to his left.

I placed my fork on the table in front of me after taking a few bites of my meal. The food was always sub par at these events, but the alcohol was very much desirable.

I stood up, excusing myself as I walked over to the bar. My hand instinctively straightened out my navy satin dress before speaking to the bartender.

"Champagne, please."

He nodded and handed me a flute. I quickly brushed a piece of hair that had fallen on my face behind my ear, and thanked him.

"You clean up nicely," a male voice said from behind me.

I turned around to see Bradley Bradshaw, the boy I had grown up with. He looked exactly the same minus the addition of a new mustache. He was also taller, and broader. In fact, he wasn't a boy at all. I realized as he stood in front of me with a black tux on, that he was indeed a man.

I smiled, "You don't look half bad yourself."

He stepped forward and placed his empty beer bottle on the bar. "What are the chances I'd run into you here. How long has it been?"

"Almost six years. I think the last time I saw you I ran into you at the academy. You were smaller then."

He laughed, "Yeah, I've been beefing up a bit. Have to stay fit in the Navy."

I nodded before taking a sip of my champagne, "Well, you look good."

"Hey, Fox," Another man appeared beside us, a bright smile on his face, "Congratulations on graduating top of your class. Your family must be so proud!"

He held his drink up to me and I took another sip of champagne, "Thank you, I appreciate that."

The man left as quickly as he came and I turned back to Bradley.

"You graduated top of your class?" He asked, and I nodded. "Your dad must be so proud. Wasn't he top of his class?"

"No, he was 2nd in his class. It turns out I'm the better pilot."

We both laughed and I couldn't help but admire how handsome he had become. He stared at me for a moment, and I felt my heart beat a little bit faster.

He quickly looked away, but before he did I could have sworn I saw him blush.

After a brief moment of silence he finally looked at me again, "I'd like to catch up more. It's been too long. Come and have a drink with me on the terrace?"

"I'd like that."


Bradley and I couldn't control our laughter as he reminded me of the time he stole one of my dad's old mustangs and took us on a joyride to get ice cream.

"I don't think I'd ever seen him so angry," He said, taking another sip of his beer.

"Oh, I've seen him angrier."

He laughed, "When?"

I continued laughing, "When you got into that fight in high school! I was positive he was going to kill you. I remember crying and begging him not to!"

"Oh shit, I remember that."

I shook my head, "He had to go down and beg them not to expel you!"

"It is possible he didn't kill me because you were so upset, so thanks for that!"

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