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Author: Lexy

The sunlight streamed in through the window of Y/N's bedroom, rudely waking her up. Y/N groaned and pulled her blanket over her pounding head, willing herself to go back to sleep. It was then that she noticed the smell. The smell of chocolate chip pancakes- her favorite breakfast food.

Slowly she moved the blanket down from off her face and looked around her room. Clothes from last night were strewn about her room. Her high heels were on one side of the room while her black dress was on the other side. Her boyfriend's jeans were tossed onto the desk chair and his t shirt was laying next to her shoes.

On her nightstand was a glass of water and Advil; Bradley must have put them there sometime last night while she was sleeping. Y/N reached over and shook two pills into her hand, swallowing them and the entire glass of water. It was the only way that her hangover was going to go away.

Slowly, she stood up and walked over to the dresser. She opened her boyfriend's drawer and pulled out her favorite gray sweatpants and a plain black t shirt. Y/N glanced in the mirror at herself. She looked about as rough as she felt. Her eye makeup was smudge and it looked like she had two black eyes.

Sighing, Y/N walked out of her room and into the small kitchen. Bradley smiled when he saw her.

"Hey babe," he said, pulling her into a hug. "How do you feel?"

"My head is pounding," Y/N replied, hugging him tightly.

Bradley chuckled. "You drank a lot last night. I don't think I have ever seen you drink that much! And we've been together forever!"

Y/N pulled away from him and sat down on the couch, pulling her knees up to her chest. Bradley sat down next to her and handed her the plate of chocolate chip pancakes.

"Eat these. The bread will soak up the alcohol."

"Thanks," Y/N said, taking a little bit of the pancake.

Her stomach churned with each bite. As Y/N took the last bite, her eyes grew wide and she held her hand over her mouth as she ran to the bathroom. She leaned down over the toilet and vomited everything she had just eaten. Bradley held back her hair, rubbing her back. When was done, she laid down on the tiled floor. The cold felt good against her cheeks.

"Why don't you take a cold shower? That might help," Bradley offered. He reached towards the shower and turned it on.

Y/N stood up in front of him and held her hands up above her head. Bradley gently pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it on the ground next to him. She tugged of her sweatpants and stepped into the cold shower.

Goosebumps instantly rose on her skin and she turned the knob to make the water warmer. The warm water felt good running down her tired body. She stood in the shower, longer than she planned but by the time she was done, she felt much better.

While she was in the shower Bradley had left a clean pair of sweatpants and one of his long sleeve t-shirts, lying neatly folded on the counter.

Y/N combed the knots out of her hair and pulled her hair into a messy bun. She put on the sweatpants and shirt and joined Bradley on the couch.

"How do you feel?" he asked, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, pulling her against him.

"Much better," Y/N answered, thankful for her loving boyfriend. "I don't think I'll be drinking that much for a while."

Bradley laughed. "I don't know if I believe that!"

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