Returning Home

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Author: Lexy 


It had been nearly five years since Y/N had stepped foot in Fightertown. It held a lot of good memories but there were also memories that she had tried to erase.

The moment she had learned that Iceman had passed, she dropped what she was doing and booked a flight to her hometown. Ice had helped her father out in more than one way and she couldn't imagine missing the funeral.

Her return flight was merely hours after the funeral ended- she had decided that she didn't want to stay any longer than she needed.

Her boyfriend had offered to accompany her but she told him to stay home- she would only be gone for two days. Although he had looked slightly offended, he eventually agreed to stay.

Y/N and her father had just left the wake and after much protesting from her dad, she had agreed to one drink at the Hard Deck.

"Maverick!" Penny called, walking towards the father and daughter duo. "How are you doing?"

She pulled him in for a quick hug before looking over at Y/N. "Y/N! It's so nice to see you again. Your dad has been sure to keep me up to date on how you have been doing."

"It's nice to see you too!" Y/N replied. The last time she had seen Penny was five years ago. At the time she had no idea in just a few years Penny would be dating her dad.

"I wish it was under other circumstances but I'm glad you're here nonetheless."

Penny walked behind the bar and handed Maverick his favorite beer. "What can I get you?" she asked Y/N.

"Oh water is fine," Y/N said. "I want to be conscious for my flight."

Penny laughed and filled up a clear plastic cup with water. She glanced around the bar, surprised to find that not much had changed. The piano was still in the exact same spot as well as the classic jukebox.

Memories flooded her head as she remembered standing around the piano singing with her friends and trying to find the perfect song to play on the jukebox.

"How's Jack doing?" Penny asked, referring to Y/N's boyfriend of just over a year.

"He's doing good. He just got a huge job promotion yesterday," Y/N told her, smiling.

"That's wonderful. Hopefully I can meet him soon."

Y/N agreed and looked over at her father. "How is Top Gun going?"

"It's going ok. Some people aren't too keen on my teaching strategies," he told her, picking at the label on his bottle.

Y/N nodded all to familiar with her father's flying antics. "Did I tell you that Bradley is there as well?"

Bradley was Y/N's ex boyfriend. They had been together for nearly 4 years before she had decided to end things.

Y/N looked over at Maverick, eyes wide. "N-no you didn't. How is he doing?"

Maverick shrugged. "Well he doesn't want to talk to me."

"Well you did really hurt him," Y/N said, taking a sip of her water.

Right after they had broken up, Y/N had learned that her father had pulled Bradley's papers to stop him from flying. Of course, Bradley had been pissed and stopped talking to Maverick. Her dad had reached out numerous times to him to apologize but Bradley had never responded.

Y/N looked around at the numerous people at the bar. There were a few couples sitting at tables and nursing their drinks. She had learned from her dad that pilots from Top Gun often came to the Hard Deck to blow off some steam. After learning the news about Bradley being back in town, she hoped that he wouldn't show up.

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