Long Time No See

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Authors: Lexy and Whynnter


It was a busy night at The Hard Deck when Y/N arrived to help her sister manage the bar for the night. She looked over the faces, recognizing most of them from the usual Saturday crowd. Y/N smiled at them all as she made her way behind the bar, grabbing an apron in the process.

"I really appreciate you coming in tonight. I know you had a date," her sister Penny said, placing a beer in front of one of the patrons.

Y/N nodded and tied the apron around her waist, "It's fine, I wasn't super interested in him anyway. I'd much rather spend the night with my favorite sister."

"I'm your only sister."

Y/N poured herself a shot of whiskey and took it back before Penny could take it from her.

"Hey! What did I tell you about taking shots on the clock?" she said, pointing at her younger sister.

"Remember, I'm your only sister! Besides, I didn't clock in yet."

The door to the bar swung open, and a familiar group of pilots walked in. Y/N waved at one of them, beckoning them over to the bar.

"Hey girl!" The female pilot yelled as she shoved her way toward the bar, "Long time no see!"

Y/N looked up at her and smiled, "Look who it is, Phoenix! My favorite pilot." She pulled two beers from the cooler and placed them in front of Phoenix and her friend Bob, "Can I get him anything?"

Phoenix turned to the other pilot on her right, one that Y/N was all too familiar with.

Bradley Bradshaw.

"Hello gorgeous, who might you be?" Bradley asked, winking in Y/N's direction.

She didn't care much that he didn't realize who she was, considering it had been almost 10 years since the last time they saw each other. However, she recognized him, it was hard to forget those golden brown eyes, and that beautiful smile.

"Don't even think about it Bradshaw!" Penny said from the other end of the bar, pointing in his direction.

Bradley lifted his head up and frowned at Penny, "What? I can't get to know the new bartender?"

Y/N shook her head and laughed, "What a shame! You became a big shot pilot and now you're too cool to remember your oldest friends." She turned around to grab another bottle from the cooler and that was when he noticed the paper plane tattoo.

"Holy shit! Y/N?" Bradley asked, leaning against the bar.

"It's nice to see you too Bradshaw," Y/N said, placing a beer down in front of him. "Is this still your favorite?"

Bradley nodded. His eyes ran along her body as he said, "Damn, you haven't changed a bit. You look amazing."

Y/N rolled her eyes at his comment and looked over at Phoenix, who adorned a devilish smile.

"You two know each other?" Phoenix asked.

"Yeah," Bradley said.

Y/N nodded, "We grew up together."

Phoenix looked between Y/N and Bradley, sensing there was more to the story. "You two used to fuck, didn't you?"

"What?!" Penny cried, dropping a glass on the floor. She pointed a finger at Bradley, "Leave us, please!"

Penny turned towards her younger sister. "You and Bradshaw hooked up? How many times did this happen?"

"A few times."

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