Wingman (smut)

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Authors: Lexy and Whynnter


When you sign on to be a pilot for the Navy as a female, you know you'll have to put up with egotistical men on a daily basis, however, it's not until you have to work with them that you realize how incredibly self centered they actually are.

The canopy to my jet raised and I quickly climbed down the ladder. My wingman, Rooster, landed right behind me and he was currently maneuvering his jet into the assigned spot beside mine. Rooster was not my first choice for a wingman, he wasn't my second or third either. It was near impossible to work with him and I was sure our superiors were getting ready to ship one of us off to Guam just to separate us from one another. Fortunately for them, we were two of the best the Navy had to offer and so for that reason alone, we were stuck together.

I glanced up from my current conversation with my flight crew just as Rooster walked by, his head down and stupid aviator sunglasses shielding his eyes. I rolled my eyes as he continued by not saying a word. Of course he wouldn't say anything, he was the reason we failed the exercise.

"That was a disaster," I mumbled to myself.

I turned behind me just as my friend Phoenix walked by. "What was going on up there?" she asked, watching

Bradley as he disappeared into the locker room.

"I don't know. Why don't you go ask Bradley and report it back to me?"

Phoenix shook her head. "No thanks. I'm slightly terrified of him when he's angry."

I rolled my eyes. "Well, he's an asshole."

Phoenix glanced back at the locker room before looking over at me. She lowered her voice as she said, "I have to tell you something about Bradley and it's probably going to make you mad."

"Well if it has to do with Bradley, of course it's going to make me mad."

Phoenix sighed and began, "Well, I was at the Hard Deck the other night and ran into Anders. Apparently there is a rumor going around about you back in the Academy."

My eyes narrowed in on her and I clenched my fist, "About what?"

"Now don't shoot the messenger, you can be scary sometimes too."

"Phoenix!" I yelled, losing my patience.

"Apparently Bradley started a rumor that the only reason you got into Top Gun was because you..." Phoenix trailed off.

My heart began to race and I felt my cheeks grow hot. "Because I what?"

"Because you gave Admiral Rhodes a blow job."

"What?" I shrieked and quickly began to walk towards the locker room.

When I reached the door to the men's locker room, I pulled it open and immediately locked eyes with Hangman. A towel hung off his hips, showing off his incredible abs. I tore my eyes away, feeling a blush creep up my neck.

"Where is he?" I asked.

Without hesitating, Hangman pointed towards the back, where I assumed the showers were. There was only one shower being used and I walked over and pushed the white curtain aside.

"Hey!" a very familiar voice shouted. "What the fuck?"

I took a step back, not wanting to get wet. Bradley reached out and grabbed his white towel from the hook and wrapped it around his waist. I couldn't help but notice how well built he was. His six pack abs were on full display and I hated how much I wanted to run my fingers along them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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