Welcome Home

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Authors: Whynnter and Lexy


It was already dark when Y/N got out of work. Things at the office had been crazy, and she just wanted to go home and take a nice, hot bath. With Christmas just around the corner, Y/N's work had picked up considerably. Since she was in a managerial position, she had been on her feet for most of the day, and barely had any time to rest.

When Y/N drove up to her house she was shocked to see numerous cars scattered about the street and her driveway. Most of the lights were already on, a stark contrast to when she normally arrived home. It took her a moment to remember that her twin brother was living with her for a brief while and that she told him it was alright to have some people over for a barbecue. She silently regretted allowing it, being that all she wanted to do was have a quiet night to herself in bed.

Before stepping into the house, she took a deep breath so that she wouldn't go off on her brother, Jake. She slowly opened the front door, surprised to find that it was relatively quiet inside. As she walked further into the house, she noticed three men sitting on the couch in the living room, beers in their hands. When they saw her, each of them nodded hello as she continued past them toward the patio. Two of the men she didn't know, but one of them was familiar to her. She'd recognize that mustache anywhere. He smiled at her, and she smiled back at him before heading outside where music was currently blasting.

Her brother was currently grilling hot dogs and hamburgers, and he smiled at her as she sauntered toward him.

"Welcome home sis!" Jake greeted her.

"And what a welcome it is! What's going on?" Y/N asked, motioning to everyone around her.

"Just having a get-together with some of the guys."

Y/N glanced around the backyard, "Some of the guys?"

Jake frowned at his sister, "You said it was okay, it's okay right?"

"I just thought you meant a small get-together. There are a lot of people here, Jake. I hope you know you are cleaning everything up tomorrow!"

Jake placed his free hand over his heart. "I promise you will never know that anything happened here."

Y/N laughed. "Thank you."

Just as she was about to turn around, a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and picked her up, spinning her around in a circle.

"I've missed you!" a familiar voice said from behind her.

"Coyote!" Y/N smiled, "I've missed you too, it's been so long!" Coyote wrapped her up in his arms and squeezed.

It was then that Y/N noticed someone was leaning against the door frame watching her interaction with Coyote. His brown eyes locked with hers before she quickly looked away. She waited a few moments before looking back at the door but by then the figure was gone.

She turned her attention back to Coyote and quickly caught up with him. Although Y/N enjoyed catching up with Coyote, she had a hard time staying focused. A certain someone was lingering on her mind and she really wanted to see him again, preferably alone and away from everyone else.

The conversation with Coyote came to a good stopping point and Y/N stood up, excusing herself. "It was nice to see you again," Y/N told him and started to head into the house.

Phoenix, one of her brother's squad mates, was standing in the kitchen and talking to Bradley. He was dressed in one of his infamous Hawaiian shirts, blue jeans, with his aviator sunglasses resting on the top of his head. Once again their eyes locked for a brief second. Phoenix pulled Y/N into a hug and asked if she was going to be sticking around for the party. Y/N shrugged and said, "I don't know. It's been a long day. I really just want to take a long bath and go to bed."

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