Foxes Eat Roosters (smut)

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Author: Whynnter

Warning: Smut


Y/N's call sign : Fox


The sun had just begun to set when Y/N pulled into the parking lot of The Hard Deck. She smiled at the sight of the beach bar, a place she hadn't seen in years, and hadn't expected to see again this soon.

Y/N didn't expect the call she had gotten 24 hours ago, asking if she could come back to Top Gun for a special detachment. They gave her barely any time to decide, but once she had said yes, she was booked on the next flight out to San Diego.

After texting her friend that she had arrived at the bar, she pulled the visor down in her car and quickly checked her appearance. As she walked up to the bar's entrance and pushed the doors open, she was pleasantly surprised to see the large crowd singing along to the song that was currently blaring through the speakers.

This place always made Y/N so happy, no matter how terrible of a day she was having.

After bumping into a few old classmates from the academy, Y/N turned around to see her best friend, Phoenix, waving her over to the pool tables.

"Fox!" Her friend yelled over the loud music. "Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes!"

Despite knowing each other before they were given their call signs, the two had gotten used to using them.

Y/N smiled as she wrapped her arms around her friend and pulled her in tight. "Wow, I've missed you!"

Phoenix placed a kiss on her friend's lips and the two laughed before hugging once again, "It's been way too long!" She took a step back and twirled Y/N around. "You look amazing! Did you dye your hair?"

"I did, I was ready for a change! How have you been?" Y/N said, flattening out her white sundress.

The conversation was interrupted when a finger began tapping on Y/N's shoulder. She turned around to see Hangman, another pilot that must have been called in for the detachment.

"Hey, Fox." Hangman said, flipping a toothpick in his mouth. "Funny seeing you here."

"Hangman," Y/N rolled her eyes, "I didn't realize they called in the 2% crowd for this mission."

The familiar group of pilots that were congregated around the pool table whooped at Y/N's diss.

Hangman shook his head, "You wound me, Fox."

Y/N walked around the table toward a familiar brunette with glasses and fell into his lap. "Bob, my favorite!" 

On the other side of the table, Phoenix grabbed a cue from another pilot, Rooster. Y/N had hoped he wouldn't be here, having not gotten along with him in the past. As much as she disliked the pilot though, she didn't mind looking at him. He was irritatingly handsome. 

Y/N raised an eyebrow at Rooster as he stared in her direction, but she quickly ignored him and turned back to the brunette.

"You miss me, Bob?"

Bob smiled up at her, his hands hanging loosely at his side, clearly unsure of where to put them. "Of course."

Hangman spoke up, "You're scaring him, Fox. Look, he doesn't know what to do with his hands!"

"Oh, he knows what to do with his hands, right Bob?" Y/N winked at him and his cheeks grew red.

Y/N ran her fingers through Bob's hair before standing up and joining Phoenix at the pool table. She glanced up at Rooster, realizing she couldn't avoid him any longer.

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