Beach Hook Up (smut)

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Author: Lexi


"I need you," Bradley whispered in his girlfriend's ear. His fingers slowly ran down her bare arm, leaving goosebumps in their wake. His eyes had been on her all night, watching as she danced and swayed to the music. Her body looked amazing in her thigh black dress. It came to a stop mid thighs, showing off her amazing legs. Bradley couldn't help but watch as other guys stared at her. It gave him satisfaction knowing that he was the one taking her home tonight.

Now he was paying for staring at her. No matter how hard he had tried, all the blood had rushed below his belt and now it begged for relief.

Y/N turned her body so that she was facing Bradley. "And what exactly do you have in mind?" she asked, coyly.

Bradley leaned forward, his stubble brushing against her cheek. One hand pressed against the small of her back while the other brushed along her bare thigh. Her sex clenched from the closeness of his touch.

"First I want your mouth around me and then I want to fuck you," he stated, his eyes boring into her's.

Y/N smirked and took a final sip of her drink before placing it on the counter.

"Let's go," she said, leading the way out of the bar.

Bradley held Y/N's hand as he led her down to the beach. They didn't pass a single person. Everyone was still at The Hard Deck. Most people would have a few drinks before they made their way to the beach. The night was still young which meant most people were just beginning their first drink. It also meant that there would be privacy on the beach.

The lifeguard hut stood abandoned in the middle of the beach. During the day, the beach was busy with families, enjoying the warm weather, while two lifeguards stood watch. The hut had been left hours ago and now Y/N and Bradley claimed it.

When they reached the deck, Bradley pulled Y/N against him and pressed his lips to hers. Their mouths instantly began to move in sync, having done this many times before. Bradley's fingers moved to the top of Y/N's dress and pulled it down, revealing her breasts, the cool wait coming as a shock. His fingers began to toy with her nipple as he rubbed his fingers against them.

Y/N let out a moan as his fingers moved to her other breast, touching her in all the right places. His body pressed against hers and she could feel his erection, pressing into her stomach. Reaching down, she unbuttoned his jeans and then pulled them down to his knees, along with his boxer briefs, freeing him.

Y/N wrapped her fingers around him and began to move them back and forth. Bradley moaned into the kiss, melting from her touch. This is exactly what he wanted. Her touching him. Fingers wrapped around his length, moving slowly.

Y/N pulled away from the kiss and bent down on her knees. She looked up at him as she moved forward and swiped her tongue across the tip. Bradley's eyes closed for a brief moment as his fingers curled into her hair.

He felt her lips wrap around him and she began to move them along his length. He helped guide her to the perfect rhythm as she moved along him.

Fuck. It felt amazing. The way she could take almost all of him in her mouth. Her hand wrapping around the rest of him, making him come close to the edge already.

Occasionally she would pull away and swipe her tongue along the tip before taking him in her mouth again and again. 

"Fuck," Bradley moaned as he felt his high approaching.

His hands tugged at her hair and she pulled away from him. "I want to come in you," he told her, pulling her up.

Bradley placed his hands on her shoulders briskly turning the two of them around. Her back was now against the lifeguard hut as she faced the beach. He reached down to the end of her dress and tugged it up over her thighs. He pushed her lacy black underwear to the side as he ran the tip along her core. It was already wet and begging to be filled.

"Fuck me," Y/N told him.

"Not yet," Bradley teased, placing his lips against hers. His tongue slipped into her mouth, fighting with hers. The kiss was filled with lust and urgency.

He ran the tip along her core and she bucked her hips against his. She needed him now but he enjoyed teasing her, making her beg. Her thigh wrapped around his waist, begging him to be inside of her.

Without warning, he slid into her, filling her up. She let out a loud moan as he pulled out and pushed back in again.

His thrusts were fast and quick and with each movement, they could feel themselves coming closer to the edge of release. Bradley reached down and placed his fingers against her sensitive spot, rubbing quickly.

Her walls clenched around him as she comes undone, surrendering to his touch. With a few more quick thrusts, Bradley releases into her, a string of profanities leaving his mouth. 

He took a step away from her and reached down to pull his pants back up. Y/N adjusted her dress and ran her fingers along her hair, trying to flatten it

"It's gonna be so obvious that we just fucked," Y/N said, giggling.

"Well..we can just go home and go for round two," Bradley told her, taking her hand in his.

Y/N nodded. "I like that idea."

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