I Want to Kiss You

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Author: Whynnter

My phone vibrated obnoxiously in my back pocket, the feeling of it distracting me from my conversation. I decided to ignore it and continued on but cut off when the phone vibrated again, however this time someone was calling me. I didn't have to look at my phone to know who it was. I turned in the direction of the culprit and mouthed the words 'What do you want?'

Hangman threw his arms up in defeat before pointing a finger at me, beckoning me over.

"I'm so sorry, Yale. I'm being summoned. Talk later?"

He nodded, and I headed deeper into the house to where my friends were in the middle of a beer pong match. The house was filled with people, mostly pilots, but civilians as well.

After a crazy mission that had us all on edge, Hangman thought it was a good idea to throw a party. It was a good idea, but I had forgotten how needy the boys were when they drank.

I soon appeared beside my friend Phoenix who was mocking Payback and his horrible attempt to get the ball in the cup. I pulled her in for a hug and smiled.

"They might be good pilots, but they have always sucked at beer pong," She said, hugging me back.

"Hey! We can hear you," Rooster whined over the music.

Hangman quickly realized I had joined them and drunkenly stumbled over to us.

"Ace, I need you to stand in for me while I go get the other keg." He grabbed my arm and pulled me from my friend.

I wasn't given a chance to deny him and I quickly joined Rooster, who smiled down at me. He was wearing one of those stupid Hawaiian shirts that went out of style years ago, but I couldn't help but admire his toned chest that peaked out the top where he had left it unbuttoned.

God he was hot.

"Ace, don't let me down," he said, leaning into me.

"Do I ever?" I winked at him and turned to our opponents, Payback and Coyote. "I've always been better at Beer Pong than you," I yelled over the loud music, admiring his beauty as he aimed for the shot.

Rooster threw his ball and got it in. Coyote shook his head before leaning down to try and distract me.

Bob appeared beside me, a Corona in his hand, "Why do they call you Ace again?"

Rooster spoke first, "Because she's good."

"At what?" Bob asked.

I threw the ball and got it in the same cup that Rooster had just got his into, winning the game.

"Everything, Bob. She's good at everything," he said, pulling me in for a hug. I took in the smell of him as he embraced me, his hand a little lower on my back than I had expected it to be. I quickly pulled away, afraid of how obvious I must look to anyone that was watching.

He raised his hand for me to high five, "Who should we demolish next?"

Hangman re-appeared at the table but let me continue playing. He leaned against the wall beside me, giving us both praise when we got a ball in.

There was one cup left and Phoenix and Bob still had three.

"Don't worry babe, I got this,"  Rooster said, throwing the ball and sinking it. Everyone clapped and he bowed.

"I want to kiss you." I said, not even realizing I had said it until after it was too late.

He finished the beer he was holding before turning to me, a confused expression on his face, "What?"

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