Coming Home From Work After a Month Away Headcannon (smut)

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Author: Lexy 


The minute Bradley walked in the door, his lips would be against yours, kissing you roughly

His hand would slip underneath your t shirt and up towards your breasts, pleased to find that you weren't wearing a bra

He would gently squeeze them, his fingers playing with your nipples

Once he was satisfied, he would reach behind you and place his hands on the back of your thighs, picking you up, never removing his lips from yours

Your legs would wrap around his waist and he would carry you into the kitchen, sitting you down on the counter, removing your shirt in the process

His lips would move from your lips and travel across your jawline, down your breasts, and onto your stomach

When he came to your core, his tongue slowly moved across it as your hands tangled in his hair, letting out a loud moan

His tongue moved along your core as he sucked on your sensitive spot

"Fuck Bradley!" you would moan as you felt your high approaching

Bradley would stand up and unbutton his jeans and pull them and his underwear down just enough that his erection was out

You would reach out and place your hand on it but he would say, "I want to fuck you Y/N," as he ran the tip along your core, teasing you

"Just fuck me already then," you would tell him, grabbing his length and lining it up with you, moving your hips closer to him

He would quickly push into you and you would let out a gasp as he filled you up

Your legs wrapped around his waist as he began to quickly thrust

Your nails dug into his shoulders as he continued to pound into you

It didn't take long before you felt another high approaching and you told Bradley go faster

Your walls clenched around him as he finished with two more thrusts, releasing into you

"Fuck Bradley," you would say, out of breath as you rested your head against his sweaty shoulder

"That was amazing," he would tell you

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