Home for the Holidays (smut)

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Author: Lexy 


The house was loud, filled with Y/N's family and extended family getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner. It had been a few hours since everyone had arrived and Y/N's social limit was close to being reached. She loved her family, however she could only handle being cordial for so long before she was ready to crawl back into bed.

Her boyfriend was currently on the couch, beer in hand, watching the football game with her dad, uncles, and cousins. Instead of interrupting him, she shot him a quick text saying that she was going to go upstairs to their room for a bit.

The moment she stepped into the room it felt like a weight had immediately been lifted from her shoulders. She closed the door, blocking out the sound drifting up from downstairs. Her Kindle was laying on the nightstand and she quickly grabbed it before lounging on the bed. The current book that she was reading was smutty and she couldn't wait to dive back into it again.

A knock on the door brought Y/N back to reality and she looked up to see her boyfriend, leaning against the door frame, a cold beer in his hand. The scene that she was currently reading was particularly steamy and seeing Bradley made her want to rip off his clothes.

"Hey babe," he said, coming over to sit beside her on the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better," Y/N said.

Bradley eyed her Kindle laying on her lap and gave her a smirk. "How much smut did you just read?"

Y/N laughed. "So much smut."

Although Bradley teased her for reading smut, he never complained when he was the one getting benefitted from it.

Y/N crawled on top of his lap, straddling him. She adjusted herself so that she was sitting on her legs, making herself more comfortable. The tight dress that she was wearing bunched up around her hips, revealing her black lacy underwear. Bradley's eyes went wide at the sight and he could feel the blood rush below his belt. Y/N leaned down and brushed her lips against his, testing him. When he didn't pull away, she pressed her lips against his, kissing him quickly. The taste of the beer that he had just finished drinking was still lingering in his mouth.

His erection was quickly growing and he reached down and readjusted himself. Since they had been staying with family for the holiday, it had been days since they had done anything sexual and even just the slightest touch from her made him hard.

Her hands wrapped around his neck and he rested his hands on her hips and pulled her as close to him as he could. Her tongue slipped into Bradley's mouth and he let out a soft moan as she tugged on his bottom lip.

"Babe we shouldn't do this here," Bradley breathed.

Y/N barely broke the kiss as she said, "We just have to be quiet."

Their mouths moved in sync as Bradley's hand traveled down to Y/N's bare thigh. He slowly inched it up towards her core, coming to a stop at her underwear. The material was already wet as he placed his hand against it. She rolled her hips against his hand, craving his fingers to be touching her.

"Bradley..." Y/N whined as she continued rolling her hips.

"Tell me what you want me to do," Bradley said, eyes locking with hers.

"You know what I want you to do."

"I want to hear you say it," Bradley growled.

"I want your fingers inside of me," Y/N begged him.

Bradley smiled as pushed aside Y/N's underwear, running his fingers along her core. When he grazed against her sensitive spot, she let out a moan, louder than she expected it to be. When she realized that it was going to be hard to be quiet, she buried her face in his shoulder.

Y/N gasped when Bradley slipped two fingers in. He began to move his fingers and she slowly began to move her body up and down, allowing him to go deeper. Her chest bounced as she rode him and his erection became painfully hard.

When Y/N's fingers grabbed the hair on the back of his head and he knew that she was close. He felt her walls clench around his fingers as she came undone. She came to a stop but recognized the look in his dark eyes. He was not even close to being done with her.

Bradley placed his hand on her back and flipped her over so that her back was against the mattress. He laid on top of her, resting most of his weight against his arms, which were on either side of her.

His erection was evident against his jeans and he pulled them down, along with his boxer briefs. Y/N slipped off her underwear and tossed them to the floor. Bradley adjusted himself so that he was lined up with Y/N's core and slowly pushed himself in. The sexual frustration they had been feeling for the past few days melted away.

Y/N wrapped her legs around Bradley's back as he began to rock his hips back and forth, against her. With each movement, they could both feel themselves quickly reaching their high. Since it had been days for Bradley, he was slightly disappointed that he wasn't able to last as long as he knew he could.

A knot began to form in Y/N's stomach and she knew that she was getting close. She held out as long as possible and for the second time that day, she reached her high. Bradley was close behind her, releasing a string of profanities as he released inside of her.

Bradley waited a moment before rolling off of Y/N and laying beside her. The room was filled with their heavy breathing as they both lay quietly. Noises came from the other side of the door, reminding the two of them that they were not alone.

"Do you think anybody heard?" Y/N asked, her face turning red.

"I don't think so," Bradley told her, not quite sure if he even believed himself.

"Let's just wait a bit before we go back out," Y/N said.

Bradley nodded in agreement. "I think that's a great idea. Besides, it just gives me more time alone with you." 

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