Enemies to Lovers

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Author: Lexy


"Bradley! What the fuck was that?" Y/N yelled, tearing her helmet off her head.

She stormed over to him and jabbed her finger against his chest. "You didn't listen to a word I said! We could have died up there!"

"Shit Y/N! Relax! We made it out alive didn't we?" Bradley said.

Y/N rolled her eyes at his response. She despised him. She couldn't stand him when they attended Top Gun together and her feelings hadn't changed, despite how long it had been since they had seen each other.

"Just leave me alone," she said, turning on her heels and walking away.

"Don't forget you're the one that started this!" Bradley yelled after her.

With her back towards Bradley, she held her hands up in the air and gave him the finger.

When she stepped into the locker room, Phoenix was sitting on the bench waiting for her.

"What was that about?" Phoenix asked.

"I can't stand him! He didn't listen to a single word that I said in the air! He's such an ass!"

Phoenix laughed and said, "He's actually not an ass. He's actually pretty nice, maybe you should give him a chance."

Y/N scrunched up her nose in disgust. "I don't think I can do that."

Phoenix shrugged. "Maybe you should be the bigger person and try being nice to him?"

Phoenix picked her duffel bag up from off the floor and swung it over her shoulder. She gently squeezed Y/N's arm as she walked out of the locker room. "Just think about it ok?"

Y/N nodded and thought about Phoenixs recommandation. Although she wasn't thrilled about being friendly with Bradley, maybe they could at least be cordial to each other. Laughing came from the hallway and there was no doubt who was about to come in the locker room. Y/N quickly grabbed her duffel from her locker and slammed her locker shut. When she turned around she came face to face with the one and only, Bradley.

"What do you want?" she asked, standing up straight.

"I want to make a pact," he said, gazing down at her.

Y/N's eyes narrowed. "What kind of pact?"

"One where we don't talk to each other, unless it has to deal with work," Bradley offered, taking a small step towards her. His brown eyes lingered on her lips for a brief moment before looking away. Y/N's heart skipped a beat from Bradley being close to her. The smell of his cologne was strong but not overly strong, in fact she actually kind of liked it.

Y/N thought about his offer. It was better than what she was going to offer him. "Ok. You have a deal," she told him, putting her hand out in front of her.

Bradley placed his hand in hers and they shook on the offer. When Y/N tried to let go, Bradley pulled her closer to him. Her heart started beating faster and she had a feeling that Bradley could hear it.

"Bradley! What are you-" Y/N started to say.

Bradley placed his lips against hers and she found herself melting against him. He tasted like his mint toothpaste as their lips moved together. His arms wrapped around her waist as she moved hers to his shoulders.

"Bradley..." Y/N breathed as his lips across her jawline and onto her neck.

It was then that they heard footsteps coming into the locker room. Bradley pulled away and laced his fingers in hers, tugging her towards the shower. He pulled the curtain across the stall and put his finger over his lip, motioning for her to be quiet. His eyes locked with hers as he reached down and pulled her shirt over her head. His eyes scanned her body before he placed his lips on her collarbone and slowly moved down her chest. Y/N let out a soft moan as his tongue flicked her nipples.

Voices carried from the locker and Bradley stood back up, placing his hands against the wall, on both sides of Y/N's head. Hangman and Fanboy were only in the locker room for a brief moment before leaving. Y/N and Bradley listened as the voices became more distant the further they got away from the locker room.

Y/N reached down and placed her hand on the button of Bradley's pants. Bradley sucked in a breath as Y/N unzipped them. When he nodded, she reached her hand inside, underneath his underwear. Her fingers closed around his erection and slowly began moving along his length. Pre cum began to form at the tip and she rubbed her thumb over it.

"Jesus Y/N," Bradley moaned.

Y/N pulled her hand out and placed it at the top of his waistband. She pulled his pants down, his erection springing free. Y/N placed her hands against his chest and pushed him back slightly. She then bent down, her head level with his waist. Her hand wrapped around his length as she moved forward and swirled her tongue around his tip. Bradley threw his head back in pleasure and Y/N smiled, knowing that he was melting at her touch.

Her lips wrapped his length and she began to move them over his erection. She moved her head back and forth slowly and judging by the sounds escaping Bradley's mouth, he was enjoying it.

He thrust his hips forward before gently tugging on Y/N's hair. Y/N took that as a sign to stop and stood up, facing him. She reached down and unbuttoned her pants, making a show of taking them off.

Bradley reached down and placed his hand between her legs, feeling the dampness of her underwear. He slipped a finger underneath the material and ran it along her core. She let out a moan as he brushed against her sensitive spot. Bradley pushed the tip of his finger inside her and Y/N dug her nails into his shoulders.

"Fuck me Bradley," Y/N breathed.

Bradley pulled his finger out and pushed her underwear down her legs. He placed his hand on her hips and spun her around, her back to him. She leaned forward and placed her hands against the tiled wall.

Bradley took a step towards her and ran his length along her core, teasing her. He lined himself up before slowly pushing into her, causing Y/N to gasp. He pulled back out before pushing in and beginning to thrust. Even though the locker room was emptying, Y/N found herself trying to her best to hold in her moans. There was no way she wanted Phoenix to find out what was happening. This was the last thing Y/N imagined would happen with Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw yet somehow she found herself enjoying it. With each thrust she found herself growing closer to her high.

Bradley's hand moved from her waist to her chest. He slipped it underneath her bra and gently squeezed, his finger playing with her nipple. His touch was sending her over the edge and she tried her best to hold it off as long as possible.

When Bradley began to thrust quicker, she let her walls clench around him. Her legs quickly turned to jello and Bradley placed his arm against her stomach, holding her up. With a few more thrusts, he came undone inside of her. He gently slipped out and turned Y/N around to face him.

Her back pressed up against the wall and he placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"That was fun," he said.

Y/N nodded, agreeing with him. "Let's make sure no one finds out about this."


Once Y/N and Bradley were both cleaned up and dressed they left the locker room, separately. Y/N headed towards where Phoenix was standing.

"Did you talk to Bradley?" Phoenix asked.

"Yea," Y/N said. "We're good."

"Good," Phoenix said. "So no more fighting?"

"No more fighting," Y/N said, her eyes locking with Bradley's. 

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