The Set Up

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Authors: Lexy and Whynnter


Y/N checked over her appearance in the rearview mirror as her best friend Natasha's voice echoed through her car's speaker.

"I know you are probably freaking out right now, but you just need to be your usual, charming self tonight. You haven't been on a date in months, maybe you'll even get laid!"

"Who exactly did you set me up with that you think I'm going to get them to bed?" Y/N said, surprised at her friend's confidence.

Natasha laughed, "You'll find out soon enough."

Y/N shook her head as she stepped out of her car and walked toward the entrance of the Deep End Bar & Grill. She straightened out her dress and put her phone to her ear after switching off Bluetooth. "Nat, I'm walking in now. How exactly is this guy going to know who I am if you haven't told us anything about each other?"

"I told him you would be sitting at the bar and wearing a red dress."

"Alright, I'll call you after and let you know how it went. Wish me luck!"

Natasha wished her friend luck before hanging up the phone. Y/N glanced around the dimly lit restaurant, looking for a stranger that fit the vague description Nat had given her. When she didn't notice anyone, she made her way toward the bar to order a drink.

As she sipped her drink, she continued to casually glance around the bar, waiting for her mystery date to show up. A few people could have fit the description, but when they went and joined other parties she soon realized they weren't the ones. Shortly after that, a familiar figure walked into the bar. He reached up and pulled his aviator sunglasses from his face and glanced around, his eyes landing on Y/N. He did a double take as he took in her appearance. It was then that they both realized what exactly Nat had done.

Bradley Bradshaw walked around the bar to where Y/N was seated and stared at her, his expression blank.

"You've got to be kidding me," Y/N mumbled, warranting an eye roll from Bradley.

He shook his head and waved the bartender over. "Shot of whiskey, please."

Y/N rolled her eyes and finished off her rum and coke. "And I'll take another."

Bradley pulled the bar stool out beside Y/N and sat down. He pulled his wallet from his back pocket and placed his credit card on the counter. "Get her a shot of whiskey too."

"Are you trying to get me drunk, Bradshaw?" Y/N teased, turning to face him.

"The only way we are going to survive this 'date' is if we're both drunk, so we might as well start off strong."

When the bartender placed their shots in front of them, Y/N grabbed hers off the counter and threw it back. The bitter taste made her gag but she did her best not to show Bradley.

"Nat has to be playing a joke on us," Y/N said. "You didn't tell her about...that night, did you?"

Bradley's eyes went wide. "No one knows about that night except for me and you," he whispered, glancing around to see if anyone overheard their conversation.

Y/N narrowed her eyes at him. "If anyone should be ashamed, it should be me, not you."

He ignored her and waved at the bartender indicating he was ready for another shot.

"Why would she set us up? She knows that I can't stand you," Y/N commented.

Bradley laughed, "Because it's Phoenix." He was silent for a moment before adding, "What do you say we set our differences aside and just try to have a good time?"

"Keep buying me alcohol and you have a deal."

A few drinks later and Y/N was laughing at Bradley's bad jokes as she took another shot of whiskey.

"Can I ask you a question?" Y/N asked him, and he nodded. "What did you tell all the guys in our class about me?"

Bradley laughed. "How do you know I said something?"

"Hangman mentioned that you told him and the other guys not to go near me, but he wouldn't tell me why."

He leaned into her. "I may or may not have told them you were fucking Admiral Cole."

My eyes widened and his head snapped back with laughter. "Admiral Cole is seventy years old, Bradley! Why the hell did you tell them that? No wonder I couldn't get any of them to come home with me."

"For starters, I thought you were a cocky little shit and you annoyed the hell out of me." Y/N shoved him. "I also wanted to fuck you so I made sure nobody else tried to."

Y/N was taken aback by his bluntness. "You wanted to fuck me?" she asked, taking another sip of her drink.

"Yea," he answered, his eyes locking with hers. "And I did...a few times in one night actually."

"You're welcome."

Bradley lightly grazed her thigh with his hand before pulling it away and smiling. "You act as if you didn't want me too."

"I didn't." She leaned into him, placing her hand on his thigh. "But tell me...when you did fuck me, was it exactly how you thought it would be?"


"Excuse me?" Y/N asked.

"It was better."

Bradley placed his hand on hers and moved it further up his thigh until the palm of her hand was pressed against his erection. Her core grew warm as she remembered the feeling of him inside her.

Neither of them broke eye contact, sitting there quietly staring at one another until Bradley finally spoke up. "Do you want to get out of here?"

Y/N didn't hesitate. "Yes."

He placed some cash down on the bar and grabbed her hand, practically pulling her out of the bar stool. The two of them walked quickly out of the bar, Bradley's hand running over the soft fabric of her dress.

Bradley's truck was at the back of the parking lot, practically hidden from sight. Once they reached his truck he swiftly spun her around and pressed her up against the door.

"You have no idea all the things I'm going to do to you," Bradley whispered, his lips brushing over her ear before making contact with her neck. His fingers ran up her leg before dipping underneath her dress and pushing her underwear to the side.

Y/N smiled as his fingers brushed against her core. "What are you waiting for, nobody can see us."

His lips connected with hers, kissing her roughly, as his fingers moved along her core, rubbing against her sensitive spot. She let out a moan as she felt herself melt at his closeness. This was only the second time he had been intimate with her, but it was like he knew exactly how she liked to be touched.

Bradley pressed his knee in between her legs and pushed them apart as he inserted two fingers. She let out a gasp as he began to move his fingers, his thumb rubbing against her clit. Her eyes closed as she let the sensation take over her body. Bradley continued the motion, moving his fingers faster each time.

"Does that feel good?"

A moan escaped from Y/N's lips as she felt her walls clenching around his fingers. She felt her whole body aching with pleasure from the feeling of them pumping in and out of her, the movement pushing her closer, and closer to the edge.

Y/N nipped at Bradley's lip which only encouraged him to go faster. All at once, she felt her high approach as he shoved a third finger inside her. He worked her through her orgasm, his thumb moving slowly over her clit.

Bradley smiled down at her as he gently removed his broad fingers. "So, my place or yours?"

"For the record, I still don't like you," Y/N whispered, pulling his fingers to his mouth and licking them clean.

"Don't worry, I don't like you either." 

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