Six Months Later

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Author: Lexy

Prompt: Y/N and Bradley have been broken up for six months and haven't seen each other. When they finally see each other again, Y/N remembers one of her favorite nights with him.

Warning: Sex

Word Count: 1268


It had been six months since Y/N and Bradley had broken up. The hardest six months of Y/N's life. As time went on Y/N told herself that it would get easier but that hadn't happened yet. Bradley crossed her mind all the time. She had always thought that Bradley was 'the one.' In fact, she still believed that he was 'the one.'

It had helped that Y/N hadn't seen him since they had broken up but now that all of the top pilots of Top Gun had been called back for a mystery mission, she was preparing herself for seeing him. She had no idea what this mission entailed but she knew that she would probably be working closely with him.

Y/N arrived at the infamous Hard Deck bar. For a Tuesday night it was already packed with locals and pilots from Top Gun. Penny, the owner, spotted Y/N and gave her a wave. Y/N smiled back and continued towards the back of the bar. Everyone from Top Gun was playing pool and Y/N recognized her close friend, Phoenix, playing against Fanboy. The game finished just as Y/N joined them and Phoenix pulled her into a hug.

"I'm so glad you're here!" Phoenix cried, excitedly.

"Me too," Y/N said, laughing.

Her eyes nervously scanned the room, looking for Bradley. Although she wasn't sure who had been invited back, she had a suspicion that he was going to be one of them. He was one of the best pilots that she had ever flown with. It was then that she saw him. He was wearing one of his obnoxious Hawaiian shirts, blue jeans, and his classic Aviator sunglasses. He pushed his sunglasses to the top of his head as he walked over and greeted Coyote. Once he greeted Coyote he strolled around and introduced himself to the others. After a minute it was obvious that he wasn't going to acknowledge Y/N. Phoenix gave her a gentle squeeze on the shoulder before walking over to the bar, promising to bring a drink back for Y/N.

Y/N sank down into a chair, her eyes watching Bradley. He hadn't changed at all. She also couldn't help but notice that all of her old feelings came flooding back the moment she had spotted him. Her favorite memory of them together, rushed to her mind. It took place on the beach just outside of the Hard Deck.

The beach was empty, everyone was back at The Hard Deck, relaxing after a long week. Bradley had grabbed Y/N's hand and guided her down the beach, wanting some time alone.

Together they watched the sunset, her back pressed against his stomach. His hands gently rested on her stomach, drawing lazy circles on her hips. Just from the simple touch, Y/N's core gently throbbed. It had been almost a week since they had been intimate and his touch was driving her crazy.

It was clearly driving Bradley crazy as well. She could feel his length harden against her back side. When the sun set and the beach was dark, Bradley gently turned her around, facing him.

"I love you Y/N," Bradley said, placing his lips against hers. His hands grabbed onto her hips and pulled her against him.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and he slid his hands to the back of her thighs. He picked her up and moved them underneath the pier, out of sight of prying eyes. He came to a stop towards the back and gently placed her down. She watched as he sat down on the sand, grabbed her hand and pulled her down on top of him. Her legs wrapped around his waist and she dug her toes in the sand.

His hands grabbed her ass and pulled her against him and she moved her hips against his. His erection pressed against her core with each move. Bradley's fingers dipped underneath Y/N's sundress, brushing against her underwear. The material was already wet as Bradley pushed the material aside and ran his fingers along her core, rubbing against her sensitive spot.

Y/N let out a soft moan from his touch and placed her hand on his arm. Bradley gave her a questioning look as she pulled his hand away from her.

"Just fuck me already," she whispered into his ear.

Bradley's brown eyes grew wide from her straight forwardness. She reached down and unzipped his jeans and slightly pulled down his black boxer briefs, freeing his erection. Her hand wrapped his length and he reached under her dress and pushed aside her underwear. He let out a moan as she ran his length along her wet folds.

"Jesus Y/N," Bradley breathed before placing his hand on top of hers.

Y/N stood up slightly and lowered herself onto him, allowing his length to fill her up. Bradley's hands gripped her waist, guiding Y/N, back and forth. This was new to them as Bradley was normally in control however Y/N was enjoying it and clearly Bradley was as well. His eyes were closed as Y/N continued to move her hips against his. She placed her hands on his shoulders, pulling herself against him.

"Faster," Bradley groaned as Y/N quickened the pace.

The knot in her stomach was quickly growing with each movement. She was trying her best to keep from coming undone but as the pace quickened the harder it was to hold. Moaning louder than she meant to, Y/N's walls clenched around Bradley's length as he released into her.

Y/N waited a moment before moving off of Bradley and sat down next to him. His arm wrapped around her shoulder and she leaned into him.

"I love you Bradley," she whispered and he placed a soft kiss on the top of her head.

"Y/N?!" Phoenix called, waving her hands frantically in front Y/N. "Earth to Y/N?!"

Y/N blinked and looked around. She had forgotten where she was for a moment. Everyone was in the same spot, except for Bradley. He was making his way over to Y/N, his signature Corona in his hand. He nodded at Phoenix before she walked away, giving Y/N one last look.

"Hi," Bradley said looking at Y/N.

"Hey," Y/N whispered.

"How have you been?" Bradley asked, taking a seat next to her.

"I've been...fine. How about you?"

"I've been ok."

Y/N looked up at him, surprised by his answer. "Just ok?"

Bradley nodded, his finger picking at the label of his beer. "Yea..."

It was silent for a moment before Bradley took a deep breath. "Look, Y/N...fuck," he began, running his fingers through his hair. "I fucking miss you. I've thought about you every day and I told myself that I would eventually get over it but I haven't. I just want to fucking be with you."

Y/N was shocked by his revelation. This was what she had been hoping for but now that the moment was here, she was nervous and she had no idea why.

"I don't want to get hurt again..." she said quietly.

Bradley reached across the table and placed his hand on hers. "I promise I will never do anything to hurt you again. I never want to lose you."

Y/N laced her fingers with his and stood up. She walked around the table and sat down on his lap. Bradley's free hand rested on her bare thigh.

"Promise?" Y/N asked.


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