Getting Caught

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Author: Lexy 

Prompt: Your dad, Maverick, walks in on you and Bradley having 'alone time'

Warning: sex 


My lips moved against Bradley's, having done this a thousand times before. This time he tasted like the peppermint from his toothpaste. His hips moved against mine and I could feel his erection pressing against my stomach with each touch.

"Bradley..." I moaned as his fingers dipped beneath my underwear. His fingers brushed against my sensitive spot and I pushed my hips up against his. He pushed two fingers into me and slowly began to move them. He knew exactly what tempo drove me nuts. Starting slow and gradually becoming faster, which is exactly what he was doing now. I closed my eyes and let the pleasure take over my body.

As his fingers continued moving against my core, his tongue pushed its way into my mouth and wrapped with mine. With each movement a knot began to form in my stomach and I knew that I wouldn't be able to hold it much longer.

I pulled my knees up off the bed as my high quickly approached. With one final movement, my walls clenched around Bradley's fingers and he smiled, satisfied that his job was complete.

Bradley rolled over and laid down next to me, propping himself up with his hand as he laid on his side.

"Why'd you move over there?" I whined, rolling onto my side.

Without waiting for an answer, I scooted closer to my boyfriend and propped my leg up on his side, pressing my core against his erection. I slowly rolled my hips against his and he let out a moan as he stared at me. My hand pressed against his chest and I rolled him over onto his back and straddled him.

"That was hot," Bradley commented and placed his hands on my hips.

I grabbed his hands and pulled them off of me and moved them to lay above his head.

"No touching," I said, pulling off my bra.

Bradley's hands twitched but he didn't move them. He had never seen this side of me before and clearly didn't know what to do. My eyes ran along his toned abs before I leaned down and ran my tongue slowly down his chest and onto his stomach.

"Fuck Y/N," Bradley breathed.

I came to a brief stop at the waistband of his boxer briefs but wasted no time in taking them off. His erection sprang free and stood straight up. Sitting up, I wrapped my hand around it and slowly moved it up and down his length. Precum began to form at the tip and I used my thumb to wipe it away.

By now Bradley's hands had moved down to his side and he clenched the sheets in frustration. I could tell it was driving him crazy not being able to touch me. His eyes were glued to my hands as they moved along his length.

In one swift motion, he grabbed my hips and rolled me onto my back.

"Bradley!" I cried, shocked from the sudden turn of events.

"I need you!" he cried and placed his leg in between mine, pushing them apart.

He reached down and grabbed his length and lined it up to my core. His eyes met mine and I nodded. He quickly pushed into me as a breath escaped his lips. He pulled out before roughly pushing back in and began to thrust, fast.

The bed frame banged against the wall with each thrust and for a brief moment, I was nervous the neighbors would hear. My hands reached up to his broad shoulders, grasping onto him.

"Fuck Bradley!" I cried out as he went deeper than normal. His left hand moved down to my core and began to rub against my sensitive spot.

Between the touching and the thrusting, the knot in my stomach grew at an alarming rate. I let out a loud moan as my walls clenched around his length. My legs felt like jelly and my breathing quickened.

Bradley let out a string of profanities as he released into me. He rolled off of me and pulled me against him. We were both covered in sweat as we laid there and cooled down. I closed my eyes for a brief moment, resting.

A knock on the door, woke Bradley and I up. We both laid for a moment, wishing the visitor to leave and not come back. When the visitor knocked for the third time, I stood up and grabbed my favorite gray sweatpants and Bradley's black t shirt from off the floor.

"Y/N!" a familiar voice called from the other side. My eyes went wide when I realized who it was. My dad. I glanced in the mirror and pulled my hair into a messy bun.

When I opened the door, my dad stood on the other side, hands crossed over his chest.

"Where is he?" he cried, pushing his way into my house.

"Where is who?" I asked, following him into the kitchen.

"Bradley!" my dad said.

He walked over to the stairs and stopped. Bradley stood at the top, standing in just a pair of sweats, that were hanging loosely off his hips. My dad's eyes went from Bradley to me and he scrunched his face up in disgust when he realized what exactly he had walked in on.

"Maverick?" Bradley questioned, coming down the stairs.

"How long has this been going on?" my dad asked, pointing between Bradley and I.

Bradley opened his mouth but no words came out. "Dad, I can explain!" I said, taking a step towards him.

"I would love to hear your explanation," my dad said.

Before I could speak, Bradley spoke up. "I love her," Bradley said, staring at my dad.

My dad looked taken aback. "You what?"

"Maverick...I love her."

My dad sighed and looked over at me before turning towards my boyfriend. "Don't you dare hurt her," he said before walking out the door.

Bradley's eyes locked with mine. "I wouldn't dream of it." 

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