Jealous Rooster

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Author: Lexy

Placing her keys in her purse, Y/N walked into the bar and looked around. A group of pilots were all standing around the pool table and she smiled. The tall blonde immediately spotted her and waved for her to come over.

"Y/N! It's about time!" Jake cried, pulling her into a hug.

Y/N laughed as she pushed him away. "How much have you had to drink? You reek," she said, taking a step away.

Her best friend, Bradley Bradshaw, was standing on the other side of the pool table, pool cue in hand. HIs brown eyes looked over at her before placing the cue back in the wall stand. Without saying a word, he walked over to the bar, his back to her. He was wearing his favorite pair of blue jeans and his ridiculous Hawaiian shirt. Regardless of what he was wearing, Y/N was still insanely attracted to him.

"I have no idea what's going on with him," Y/N's friend, Phoenix, said, coming to stand next to Y/N. "He's been in a mode all day."

Phoenix shrugged and returned back to her game of pool she was playing with Fanboy. Y/N watched as Bradley sat down at the bar stool, his back still to her. It wasn't like him to not talk to her. They had been best friends for years and he always had something to say, even if he was angry or upset. He knew that she hated it when he didn't tell her what was wrong. So why wasn't he saying anything to her now?

Instead of waiting for him to come back to the group, she walked over and sat down on the stool next to him. He glanced over at her but didn't say anything. His fingers picked at the label on his beer while they sat in silence. Everyone around them was laughing and having a good time, except for them.

The owner of the bar, Penny, came to a stop on the other side of the bar, across from Y/N. "The usual?" she asked, already reaching for the ingredients.

Y/N nodded and pulled her credit card from her purse. With a wave of her hand, Penny, grabbed a glass and began to mix the items together, to make Y/N's favorite drink, a dirty shirley.

"What's going on?" Y/N asked Bradley.

Bradley shrugged. "Nothing."

"Bullshit!" Y/N said, calling him on his bluff.

Bradley rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. Penny returned with Y/N's dirty shirley and placed it on a napkin in front of her.

"Enjoy," Penny said, as she turned and greeted the other customers.

Y/N stared at her best friend, shocked that he was not telling her what was wrong. Instead of waiting around for an answer and having her night ruined, Y/N said, "Well whenever you're ready to be a man and tell me what's going on, come find me."

With that, Y/N grabbed her drink from off the bar and joined her friends. Her and Phoneix played a round of pool while Coyote watched. Every now and then he would make a suggestion but the girls just ignored him. They could handle their own while playing pool. Every now and then Y/N found herself glancing over at Bradley. By now, he had turned on his bar stool, his back leaning against the counter. He was watching Y/N's every move. When she caught on that he was watching her, she made sure that he had a good view. Her jeans hugged her curves perfectly while her black shirt was low cut, leaving little to the imagination, when she bent over.

The game was almost over when Hangman appeared next to the girl. He draped his arm lazily over Y/N's shoulder and watched a Phoneix hit a pool ball into the pocket.

"What are you doing over here?" Y/N asked, as his fingers played with the tips of her hair.

"I wanted to tell you I had fun the other night," he said, referring to their date they had gone on.

Y/N forced a smile but didn't say anything. She had agreed to go on the date because she thought she could handle it. Although she had had fun, her heart was longing for someone else. And that someone else was currently sitting at the bar, refusing to speak to her. It was then that it hit her. Was Bradley mad that she went on a date with Hangman?

She looked over at the boy she was in love with. He pulled his wallet out of his pocket and placed a couple dollar bills on the counter. The bar stool scraped against the floor as he stood and began to walk towards the front door. Gently pushing Hangman's arm from off her shoulder, Y/N quickly headed after Bradley.

"Where are you going?" Hangman called after her as she rushed after Bradley.

She quickly pulled open the bar door and the cool night air brushed against her face as she looked around for Bradley. The parking lot was mostly empty and she quickly spotted him, almost to his car.

"Bradley! Wait up!" Y/N yelled, running towards him.

Bradley stopped where he was and Y/N came to stop in front of him. She was slightly out of breath even though she had barely run.

"Are you mad at me because I went out with Hangman?" she asked him.

When Bradley didn't respond, Y/N had her answer. "Why are you mad that I went out with him? You were the one who told me I should go."

Bradley sighed. "I didn't think you would actually agree to go out with him."

Y/N decided it was time to lay it all out on the line. It was now or never. "I only went out with him because I was tired of waiting for you to finally make a move."

Bradley looked down at the ground but didn't say anything. When it was clear that he wasn't going to respond Y/N turned on her heels and stormed away.

She had only gone a few steps before a hand wrapped around her arm, stopping her in her tracks. She quickly turned around and before she knew what was happening Bradley's lips were against hers.

"I'm sorry for acting like a dick," Bradley said, wrapping his arms around Y/N's waist.

Y/N placed her head against his solid chest and wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him.

"Don't ever do that," she warned, laughing. 

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