1. Mischief Start: A colorful skirmish

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*This is my book translated into English.I know there's a lot of mistakes but English isn't my first language so I would be grateful if you would correct me. And when you do that, for example in the comments, I'll immediately correct these mistakes in the book. Thank you and I wish you all the best.*


Hogwarts, the dream school of magic and witchcraft for most young wizards. This is where the fate of our heroes begins, and it all started with a few sudden and quite random events.

Lily Evans and Katie McAllister have been friends since they entered Magic School. The assignment hat sent them to the same house. Gryffindor. Four rather unbearable rascals also went to the same place, and they were: Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. They were called Marauders, they loved to play tricks on everyone and didn't know moderation in this.

At first, Lily didn't really want to deal with them, especially with James, who liked to tease her friend Severus Snape. Katie took the side of her friend, but later, as the only one in school, she dared to challenge the Marauders themselves. She dared to play them the trick that actually started it all. The boys were so surprised and positively that later they didn't give her peace, and it all linked them into chains of friendship. Lily too. Evans began to get to know them closer and liked them very much, especially Potter.

As for the jokes, you are probably wondering what Miss McAllister did. So the whole situation was:

Katie herself had a good prankster spirit. She couldn't stand the Marauders making jokes to everyone around, and them, no one dared cut the same. So the girl got her way and decided to play a trick on them.

At the very beginning, she baked magic cookies and sent them to the boys without letting them know they were from her. When the others ate them, their hands disappeared for an hour, and the Marauders completely didn't know what was happening. Later that day, she threw the drink into their room and placed the bottle by their beds. The others, not thinking much, drank the entire contents, believing it to be some alcohol. Here the effects were completely different, because the girl made a Polyjuice Potion and tried to change its taste so that the boys didn't feel anything. When they woke up in the morning, all four switched bodies with each other. Sirius was in Remus 'body and Remus was in Sirius' body. James, on the other hand, changed bodies with Peter. The boys blamed each other, especially Black and Potter. They thought they had done something, but the truth was quite different. The magic drink lasted quite a long time. The boys took classes in converted bodies, so their test grades were completely different than usual. For days they didn't know who had set them up, until Remus and James overheard Katie's conversation with Lily. Then it all came out, but the Marauders themselves were impressed by Miss McAllister's ingenuity. This is how their great acquaintance began, which has continued until today.


Katie was just on her way to a Transfiguration class with Professor Minerva McGonagall. After a few moments, Sirius appeared next to her.

"I'm surprised to see you." The girl looked at him.

"Why?" Brunet asked.

"Transfiguration, and you are going to class?" She was surprised.

"Ah..." Black put his hands in his pockets. "Well, if I'm honest this time, I'm a little afraid of McGonagall." He added and the teenager began to laugh. "Come on, she scares me sometimes."

"Well, I'm not surprised if you don't attend her classes." Katie laughed.

"And this is said by a girl who has started going to school normally since last week." McAllister kicked him lightly.

After a few minutes they were in the classroom. The Transfiguration class was a large, circular room. Most of the classroom was filled with student desks, and at the end of the room was a cathedral, a desk, and the chair Professor McGonagall sat on during the lesson. There were cages with various animals around the room. There were also mirrors in the classroom that were used to practice changing one's appearance.

Moments later, the lesson began. At the beginning, to warm up, the professor told the students to turn small sparrows into silver goblets. After a few exercises, the students were to stand in front of the mirrors and practice changing their hair color.

"Remember about the correct accent." McGonagall said. "Otherwise, none of it..." Teacher didn't manage to finish, because a moment after her words, one of the students misspelled the spell, which caused the hair in his nose to grow significantly and turn green. Minerva sighed and walked over to him to explain what he had done wrong.

"Hey, Kitty." Black said, he always called her that. He glanced at her over his shoulder. "Such a mustache would suit you, you would be even sexier." Laughed.

"I know, right." She turned to him, then looked at him closely and turned her head to the side. "And you know, Padfoot, you would look beautiful in pink."Said thoughtfully. "Crinus Muto!" Katie said the spell accordingly and directed her wand towards Black. A second later, Sirius' hair was pulled back into a ponytail and turned pink.

Katie laughed, as did James. Lily just shook her head, but didn't hide a smile.

"Well, let me tell you that it suits you." Remus interjected amused.

"Pff..." Black blew a strand of falling hair on his forehead. "Colovaria!" He cast a spell on McAllister. A second later, the girl's body turned blue.

Katie stamped her foot pissed off and cast the same spell at Sirius. The boy, however, this time grabbed James by the arm and covered himself with him so that now Potter, standing there with a changed, green body.

This is how their little color fight began. After a few moments, McGonagall noticed this and walked towards them, which Katie didn't expect at that moment, and cast another spell.

"Densaugeo!" She called as the professor approached her. The girl wanted to hit Black, but because of the sudden appearance of the teacher, it was she who was hit by the spell. Sirius hid his face in his hands and tried not to laugh, because a second after the spell was cast, Professor Minerva's teeth began to lengthen and protrude from her mouth. Katie raised her hands and made a straight line from her mouth, trying to be serious. The professor looked hilarious. "I'm so sorry, professor..." She whispered.

"Reducio." The woman disenchanted and took a deep breath, then looked at the blue Katie and pink-haired Sirius or the green James. She hid her face in her hands as she saw the dotted Remus and the redheaded Peter. She took another deep breath and said, "This kind of idiocy will not be tolerated in my class." She shook her head.

Black looked puzzled, then raised his hand. The teacher sighed loudly but gave him the floor. Sirius, on the other hand, asked joyfully:

"And is any kind of idiocy tolerated in this class?"

Due to the fact that McGonagall received a summons from the headmaster of Hogwarts, the lesson ended a little earlier and the students haven't yet received a penalty.

Lily walked over to her friend with now normal skin color and started the conversation when Sirius ran past them and cast a short spell "Glisseo". It's a smoothing spell, and at the moment the stairs on which McAllister was standing took a flat form, which made the girl slide down them. When she went downstairs, she ran her hand through her hair, shouted at the brunet running away from her and a second later ran after him to take a revange.

*Mischief Managed*

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