26. Innocent Man

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Woman stood like a wreck, she didn't know what to do now.

"Hi, my little dot-lady... " She heard a voice that she hadn't heard in years. Only now she realize how much she missed the times when this very Marauder called her in that way.

Right in front of her was the love of her life. Sirius Black.

Boy smiled warmly at her. Now he had a beard and slightly longer hair, and he was wearing torn and dirty prison clothes, but all this didn't change the fact that Katie still loved him.

Brunette walked towards him with tears in her eyes. Remus was standing next door, and in the distance she could also see Harry and his friends. Kids didn't know what was going on.

Gryff Girl approached Padfoot and took his face in her hands and brushed a lock of hair from his face.

"It's really you..." She whispered, and the first tears ran down her cheeks. "It's really you..." Cried.

"Yes, it's me. " Replied in a warm voice and smiled. "You look beautiful, my little dot-lady. " Aded, to which Katie laughed slightly and put their lips together in a warm kiss, a moment later she hugged Marauder tightly, as if she was afraid that she would lose him again.

"Katie." Harry said. " W-what's going on?" He asked confused. "Are you on their side?" Boy didn't know what was happening.

"Harry..." She looked at him and quickly wiped away her tears. "I'll explain everything to you. "

"We have to kill him! " Black said and pleaded with Remus.

"Yes, I know. " Marauder replied.

"No! " Hermione interjected. "I trusted you! And all this time, you've been his friend! " She screamed out in despair. "He's a werewolf! Pointed to Lupin and glanced at her friends. "That's why he's been missing classes!"

"How long have you know? " Moony asked.

"Since professor Snape said an essay. " She replied.

"Well, well, Hermione..." Lupin said. "You really are the brightest witch of your age I've never met. "

"Enough talking, Remus! " Sirius shouted angry. "Come on! Let's kill him! "

" Wait! " Remus said

"I did my waiting! " Marauder screamed desperate. "Twelve yearsof it! " Said. "In Azkaban! "

"Calm down, both of you. " Katie interjected and approached Black.

"Very well, kill him. " Lupin handed the wand to a friend. "But wait, one more moment. " Raised his finger up. "Harry has the right to know why. " Added.

"I know why! " Young Potter interjected. "You betrayed my parents, you're the reason they're dead!" Shouted.

"No, Harry, it wasn't his fault. " McAllister approached the godson. "It wasn't him. Somebody did betray your parents but it wasn't him. "

"You knew everything. " He looked at brunette. "Why didn't you tell me anything?! "

"I protected you, Harry. " Girl said gently. "Look, I've never lied to you before, remember?" She looked into Harry's eyes. "So listen carefully, it wasn't Sirius who betrayed your parents, he was innocent."

"So who was it? " Harry asked confused.

" Peter Pettigrew! " Black screamed out angrily. "And he's in this room! Right now! Come out! Come out, Peter! Come out and play with us! "

"What are you talking about? " Katie was surprised and wanted to say something else, but then out of nowhere Snape appeared here and with a spell knocked the wand out of Sirius' hand.

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