12. You really love him

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At the top there's a short edit about our main couple. I made it myself. Enjoy watching, reading and have a nice day/evening! ^^


The next day.

Sirius was just sitting on the couch. The boy became so thoughtful that James couldn't talk to him normally. Potter finally reached for the pillow lying next to him and slapped his friend over the head.

"Ouch, what's that for?" Black looked confused at Marauder.

"Where did you fly away?" Prongs laughed. "I talk to you and talk, and you just sit and look at the vase of flowers."

"Did flowers interest you so much Or maybe it's the vase?" Remus sat down in front of his friend, and after a while James joined him.

"I was just thinking, okay?" Blacksighed.

"You thinking?" James was surprised.

"Well, now I'm really starting to worry about you." Lupin added.

Black looked at them and threw pillows at them.

"Okay, first tell us what's bothering you so..." Potter continued, amused. "And then we'll hand over a mission to you." He added what Black looked at him with surprise.

"What mission?" He was surprised.

"All in right time." Moony said. "First, tell us what you thought about so much?"

"Or maybe about who you were thinking?" Potter asked.

Sirius sat quietly for a moment and then took a deep breath.

"It's about Katie..." He said, and the Marauders sitting in front of him straightened up significantly, then rested their elbows on their knees and began to look at their friend. "I can't get her out of my head." Sighed.

"So don't get her out of your head." Lupin replied.

"Duuh, simple." Potter backed him up.

"No, it's not that simple at all." Black interjected and then sighed again. "Recently I started feeling some strange... Presentiment..."

"Presentiment?" Potter repeated amused.

"Yeah, presentiment." said Padfoot.

"Or maybe it's a feeling?"Remus interjected and Sirius glared at him.

Padfoot thought for a moment and then said:

"Okay, feeling." He looked at Lupine again. "So it be." Shook his head. "I started to feel some strange feeling... Especially for Katie. I don't understand it." He added, which caused Potter and Lupin to laugh. "Why are you laughing?" Black looked at them resignedly. "Well yeah, haha, very funny..."

"I thought after James and Lily, you'll be smarter." Remus laughed. "Dude, you are in love." Added.

"You're wrong." Marauder said immediately. "Me? In love? No... No, it can't be it. This is definitely not the point."

"I also didn't want to admited it at first." James said. "And look how I end up." Laughed. "I fell in love with Lily, and more importantly, I accepted it. It will be better for you if you accept the fact that you are in love with our Katie." He smiled.

"But I didn't fall in love." Padfoot said.

"And I think you're just telling yourself that you haven't fallen in love because you've never been in love before." Moony said. "You're talking about a strange feeling towards Katie... Think about it."

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