9. The Light

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"We've had a terrible loss..." Dumbledore began his speech at Zoe's funeral. "We're saying goodbye to a wonderful student... A friend... A loved one..." Said. "Each of us feels this emptiness. A void that will stay in our hearts for a long time. It's impossible to forget someone close to your heart so easily... A part of our soul goes away with our loved ones. Time, unfortunately, cannot be turned back, even though many of us would like it. Everyone would like to meet again the loved ones we lost... With those who passed away a long time ago... And with those who passed away quite recently." The Headmaster looked at the students. "We would like to exchange at least a few words with them again, say how much we love someone... How much they were and still are important to us. Probably many of us would like it, we would like to fix a few things from the past, change something... Only now it would be easier for us to continue our life. No matter how hard we try, death cannot be undone. Our loved ones leave, leaving us alone in this gray and sad world that remains after their departure. You have to live on somehow, which is not easy at all." He said. "But..." He held up a finger. "When we look more closely at what we have left... We can see more than just sadness and regret... We can see more than darkness... Right next to us... We can see a light, even a small, tiny spark. It may be something small, something that can easily and quickly disappear, but it is there. And when we come closer... We'll notice greater light, warmer... Bringing joy and love... "Dumbledore smiled warmly. "In order to find this light... You don't have to look for it somewhere far away, it is right next to you... Sometimes it is a bit further, and sometimes it is just at your fingertips... You just need to reach for it." The wizard reached out, grabbed something in it, and when he opened it, a small light shone on his hand. "This light is in people who stay with us in these difficult times... They are friends, family... All those who are always with us when we need them the most. If you look around you will see that you are not really alone at all." Said. "They are with you and always will be. Do not forget about it, my dear... This is not the end, it is only the beginning of our adventure, believe me... Whatever bad happened... Any storm would come... After it the sun always rises. There is more to life than just dark and gray days... There are also days filled with light... Filled with happiness... Those days will come, my dear..." Smiled warmly again. "Perhaps you will say that you have to wait too long for such joyful days... Well... I will tell you that if happiness hasn't reached you yet, it means that this happiness is very great and it goes to you for a long time... But it will come... Someday there will be such a day, believe me. It's not over yet, don't give up."

The funeral services were over, and the Hogwarts Director's speech was of great help to many who listened to him. Dumbledore is a really smart man, you can always count on him.

Katie drifted away from her friends and headed to the Astronomy Tower. The teenager leaned against the railing and looked sadly ahead. Bad memories immediately came back to her. She saw Zoe falling down from the faith. Gryff Girl couldn'ot forgive herself the fact that she wasn't able to save her. It will always weigh on her heart. The brunette quickly waved away tears and looked sadly at the hair clip that had been left by her friend. After a few minutes, witch heard someone approaching her. When she looked that way, she saw Sirius. Black smiled faintly and then went to his friend and leaned next to her on the railing, then sighed heavily. Katie said nothing, looked at the hair clip one last time and closed it in her hand.

"Talk to me..." Padfoot said after a long moment. His voice was soft and warm. Black looked sadly at his companion.

"What should I talk to you about?" McAllister continued to look ahead blankly, didn't even look at Marauder for a moment.

"About everything." Gryff Boy replied. "Listen to me..." Boy turned to his side to look at girl. "You're not alone, Katie."

"You took Dumbledore's words personally so much?" She asked, but still didn't look at Black.

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