18. Enchanted Katie

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Shocked, Katie spent a few more minutes in the bathroom. She didn't know what to do now, she was still in shock after what had happened.

"Okay, just calm down..." She repeated to herself, then went to the bathroom door and took another deep breath. "Calm down... "

After a few longer moments, Gryff Girl dared to open the door and go back into the room. As the girl guessed, Sirius was no longer asleep. Boy got up and got dressed when McAllister came out of the bathroom, Black just wanted to put his shirt back on himself but stopped and looked equally surprised at his friend.

"Hi..." He said hesitantly.

"H-hi... " Teenager replied and then made a straight line out of her mouth.

From a distance, they could already confidently hear that the others had also already woken up and began to go down for breakfast. Padfoot put on a T-shirt and then run through his hair with his hand. There was quite an embarrassing silence, none of them knew how to behave.

"Padfoot! " Potter called from afar. "Come for breakfast! " Said and knocked on the door but didn't look inside, which pleased Sirius and Katie inside. James has already gone to the kitchen.

"It is better that we don't leave room at the same time. " Black glanced hesitantly at a stressed McAllister.

"Right." Girl nodded. "I'll go first. "She said, then went to the door, made sure no one was around, and left Marauder's room.

Katie headed hesitantly towards the kitchen.

"And why are you so scared? " Lily laughed when she saw her friend.

Teenager moved towards her, and as soon as she saw Padfoot, she grabbed red-haired hand and dragged her into the corridor.

"What is it? " Evans was surprised. "I'm starting to worry. "

"Lily. " Girl looked seriously at her friend. "Look, I don't really know how it happened, but... "She began, then took a deep breath and finished. " I slept with Sirius. "

"What?! Really?! " Lily called out, to which brunette immediately silenced her. "And? "

"And what? " Katie repeated after her. "I don't know what to do now, it happened so suddenly and... Unexpectedly. " -Said and then run her hand through her hair again. "Lily, what am I supposed to do now? - she looked pleadingly at her friend.

Evans shook her head.

" Maybe you should finally admit that you like him. " She put her hands on her chest. "Both of you should." Added.

"Girls! " James called. "Come or Padfoot will eat everything. " He laughed and looked at his friend, who choked slightly on the water as he looked at McAllister.

Throughout the breakfast, Katie and Sirius avoided their eyes, they both didn't know how to behave.

After eating, brunette went to the kitchen to wash the dishes while the others cleaned up the dining room. When she finished, she wiped her hands and turned around, then had a heart attack when she saw Sirius standing next to her.

"Can we talk? " He asked uncertainly, to which witch nodded. "Listen..." Began hesitantly. "I don't want our relationship to change so much after what happened." Said, looking girl in the eye uncertainly. "That embarrassing silence and... "He run his hand through his hair. "That's all, it was just a mistake. " Said to which girl held her breath. "Maybe... Maybe we'll forget all that...? What do you say? As if nothing had happened at all?"

"Y-yes, you're right. " Teenager nodded. "It's better... To forget. " She scooped up a lock of hair by her ear with her hand.

"We are friends, aren't we? " He smiled palely.

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