23. Harry Potter

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Katie completely broke down after losing Sirius. James and Lily died in horrible circumstances, and Peter Pettigrew disappeared without a trace. Wizards from the Department said that Wortail was murdered by Sirius Black himself. Black betrayed and killed friends and twelve innocent Muggles, or so Cornelius Fudge and his allies thought. McAllister tried her best to get her beloved out of Azkaban, but failed. Sirius immediately after the tragic event, went to Azkaban, he didn't even have any trial, which even Katie demanded. She knew that Marauder was innocent. Others, they didn't listen to her, she couldn't do anything to help Padfoot. She was left alone with everything, lost her loved one and didn't know what to do. Remus tried to support his friend, but their conversations more often led to quarrels than normal exchanges.

"You know Sirius. " Brunette said broken. "He's not guilty, why don't you believe it?"

"Katie." Lupin sighed. "It has nothing to do with whether I know him or not. " Said. "You can't come to terms with reality because you love Sirius. " Looked at the desperate girl. "You don't want to let this thought come to you, this truth that he... Betrayed. " He said what surprised Gryff Girl even more. "Come to terms with it, it will finally be better for you. Sirius is... " He began but didn't finish, because then Katie came up to him and gave him a slapp. Boy was speechless.

"How can you even say that...? " She looked at him with tears in her eyes. "It's your friend... "

"James and Peter were them too, and so were Lily and so you are. " He replied and massaged the sore spot.

"Do you really believe in his guilt? Did you believe the words of Fudge?! " Said in disbelief.

"Fudge has irrefutable evidence of his guilt. Everything seems to indicate that..."

"No. " Girl interjected and looked sternly into his eyes. "Sirius would have died rather than betrayed them. " She said confidently. "Yes, I love him, you're right, but it has nothing to do with believing in his innocence. I'm not blinded by love, I just know the truth. I know Sirius, and so do you... " Said, looking into her friend's eyes. "After so many years, you should know how he really is. He would never do anything like that! "

"He could also pretend. " Moony interrupted her. "Katie, I really don't want to argue with you, we've both suffered too much, you don't think we should... "

"No. " She replied. "You don't believe my words or Sirius' words. " Said with tears in her eyes. "Until you get the fact that I'm telling the truth, that Sirius is innocent... Until you understand it... We have nothing to talk about. " She added, then wiped away her tears and left house.

The upset girl teleported to the first place that came to her mind. That place was the grave of James and Lily. Katie sat across from her friends' grave, took out a bottle of alcohol and took the first sip of the liquor, then sighed heavily and looked at the photo, which she also took with her. A moving photo of Sirius. Brunette looked at them with sadness, and then glanced at the tombstone of her friends.

"What happened to us...? " She whispered broken. "I don't know who I am anymore... Or how I got here... " Sighed and run her hand through her hair while the first tears began to flow down her cheeks. "I miss who I used to be... I want to have a home again... Real friends... I would like to go back to those school times sometimes... " She said. "I don't believe I'm saying that myself." Laughed lightly. "Everything was different then. We were friends, we never separated... I miss that... " Cried. "I miss you." She looked at the tombstone. "And I miss you so much..." She carried Black's picture and hugged it to herself. "Jamie... Lily... " Looked at her friends. "I promise you I'll take care of Harry." Said confidently. " I'll do anything to his safety." Added.


Twelve years have passed. Twelve years... That's too much. Katie struggled with the Department for years, wanting to free her beloved but in vain. Girl even tried to take the blame on herself, but it didn't help either. However, this wasn'the only fight she had to make. Harry was still with the Dursleys. Due to Muggle laws, girl couldn't get a full-fledged care of him. She could only see him from time to time. Because of what was happening, boy generally knew nothing about magic, his uncle didn't tell him anything because they hated magic, they didn't even want to send him to Hogwarts. Katie was silent and didn't mention magic because she wanted the little one to be safe. Dumbledore explained to her why boy had landed with the Dursleys. Lily sacrificed herself for Harry, gave her life for him, thanks to which he survived. Petunia, on the other hand, was Lily's sister, the same blood flowed in her, so Albus decided to leave Harry with her, he said that thanks to the fact that the same blood flows in her, boy will be safe.

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