28. The end?

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Christmas was approaching, but before them, Katie had a lot to do in connection with the school at Hogwarts. A new and quite mean teacher, Umbridge, appeared. The worst thing was that the woman took on Harry, which didn't escape the attention of his godmother.

"Harry... " Katie approached boy and his friends. "What is this? " Asked nervously.

"Nothing. " He replied immediately a bit worried. "Nothing like that. " Added.

McAllister just shook her head and took Potter by the wounded hand.

"That's going too far! "She growled when she saw a burnt scar on boy's hand. "She'll pay for it. " Shook her head and moved towards the office of the aforementioned teacher.

" Katie! " Boy stopped her. "Don't go there, please. Don't do anything. "

"Are you kidding? " Girl looked at him. "This woman has no right to hurt my kid. " She said firmly. "She'll pay me for it. "

" She can kick you out of Hogwarts! " Young Potter called. "I don't want that to happen because of me. " He said sadly.

"Honey. " Brunette smiled and then stroked his cheek. "Even if she does, Dumbledore will bring me back here. He'll return to his position, and like him, so will I. You have nothing to worry about, trust me." Said confidently. "Now, I'm going to take a revenge. "

After a few moments, McAllister was already in Umbridge's office.

"Professor McAllister, what a surprise. " Woman smiled artificially. "Something happened?" She asked and mixed up her tea.

"A lot has happened. " Girl replied.

"You look nervous, maybe you'll sit down? " She pointed to the chair opposite her, to which Katie smiled artificially and then walked closer to her desk.

"I won't take you much time. " Gryff Girl said and then went to the desk and stuck a pocket knife between Umbridge's fingers spread on the desk. Woman jumped in scared and looked at McAllister in shock. "You've crossed all boundaries. " Katie said sternly. "You've no right to hurt kids in this school. I noticed that you took on Harry, but what you have done this time is a great exaggeration. " She said, looking into her eyes with hostility. "You've probably already noticed that I'm not like most of the teachers here, I'm making it clear."

"A-are you threatening me...? " She asked, frightened.

"Right now? I'm just warning you. " Brunette smiled artificially.

"And who are you that you stand up for Harry Potter?" She asked. "You're not his mother, but only an ordinary caregiver. " Said sarcastically.

"Yes I am, and that's enough. " She replied. "I raised him, he's like a son to me, so I warn you for the last time..." Katie looked at Umbridge again. "If you hurt him again, you'll have to deal with me. " Added and then took out the pocket knife and as if nothing had happened, she walked away from the desk. "And one more thing..."She glanced at her and put the papers on her desk.

"What's this? "

"My termination. " McAllister replied, which shocked Umbridge. "I won't give you the satisfaction of firing me from my job. " Said and smiled boldly. "I'm leaving by myself. I'll come back here with the rightful Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. " Added firmly.

"He will not come back here! " She shouted.

"I wouldn't be so sure. " Gryff Girl said on the way out and left the office.

Katie knew that times would be even harder now than before. The Dark Lord is back, and with him all the trouble.

Quite a long time passed, but it happened as McAllister said. Dumbledore returned to school, and with him, Katie returned. Later, Christmas came. McAllister spent them with Sirius and Harry and his friends. They were all in a secret place where the meetings of the Order of the Phoenix were held. It was the former home of the Blacks.

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