30. Zoe

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Katie was very afraid that day. It was today, according to the letters, that Zoe was to commit suicide. As it was written in the letter of today, girls had previously had a rather disturbing conversation, and now, at the appointed time, McAllister was still on the faith before Zoe.

Brunette was terribly afraid of whether she would be able to cope with the task. How can she convince her friend not to make this mistake? What is she supposed to do to make her listen?

After a few minutes, her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps. It was Zoe. Blonde was greatly surprised when she saw a McAllister here.

"Wha..." Began, but Katie interrupted her.

"What am I doing here? " She asked and Zoe nodded. "Guess what. " Looked significantly at her friend. "I'm stopping you from making a big mistake. "

"But how... "She wondered.

"I know you, Zoe. " Brunette replied, and when she remembered the description of the whole situation from the future, tears appeared in her eyes. "I'm not going to let you do that. " McAllister said, and the first tears rolled down her cheeks. "Don't even think about it. Listen...." She walked slowly to blonde. "I know it's hard for you, I know what you've been through and are going through..."Took her by the hand. "But you have me, I've always protected you, and I'll always will. You don't give me any trouble with that. " Said with tears in her eyes. "If you die here now... You've ever thought about how I'll feel when you leave... When you die in front of my eyes, and I don't have a chance help you... " -Cried. "You thought of Peter... What can happen to him...? " Looked into the eyes of her companion. "If you die, you break my heart, I don't want to lose person so close to me. You may think I don't understand you, but I understand, perhaps more than you think, and I need you even more, Zoe. I can't lose you. " Blonde lowered her head sadly. "You're like a sister to me." She said, which again caught her attention. "So please... Don't leave me. "

"Katie..." Zoe whispered. "I know... I understand what you're talking about, really. I just... I don't have the strength to live on... I love Peter... And I love you. But living here is a real torment... I tried not to give up and live on, even for you, but it doesn't make sense. " She said with tears in her eyes. "I don't have any purpose in life, like you. I have no plans or dreams, I have nothing . And all this life... See in what times we have to live ... " She sadly lowered her head. "We're born and we die, it's an ordinary, repetitive cycle. What difference does it make if you die now or later...? Everyone dies... Everyone leaves, no matter how hard we try... Katie, it all hurts me, I don't have the strength for anything..." Cried. "I don't want you to look at it and believe me or not, but I don't want you to cry because of me... Truly. "

"So don't do that. " McAllister interjected. "Give yourself one last chance, I beg you."Said with tears in her eyes. "Let me show you and prove you that all is not lost yet, we can still fix it. " Brunette smiled palely and took her friend by the hand. "Please.... Let me help you... You may not realize it now, but if you die... Not only will you grieve many people, but you will also... Terrible things can happen... Someone can make a mistake, make a terrible stupidity, for which many people will pay with their lives ... " These words caught Zoe's attention. "You didn't think about it, did you?"

"What do you mean? " She asked uncertainly. "You're not telling me something?" "

" It's not important now. " Girl interrupted. "The important thing is that you don't make that mistake. Think about it, please. You don't have to do it for me, do it for yourself, give yourself one last chance... " Katie begged. "I'll help you in everything, I'm just begging you..."She put her hands on blonde's shoulders. "Don't do it. " Cried.

A few tears also ran down Zoe's cheeks. Both girls fell silent for a few minutes, and after a while blonde looked up and looked at the view from the faith.

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